L4 - Insect Orders 2 Flashcards
What order do beetles belong to?
What is the largest order of insects?
Coleoptera - 3000+ species
Describe these characteristics of coleoptera:
a) mouthparts
b) forewings
c) larvae
a) mandibulate chewing mouthparts
b) forewings are modified into rigid elytra
c) larvae have sclerotized head capsules, usually with thoracic legs
What are the 4 sub-orders of Coleoptera?
1) Adephaga - gluttonous - ground beetles, green tiger beetle
2) Polyphagia - <90% of species - ladybirds, rove beetles, scarab beetles, blister beetles, stag beetle, true weevils
Less important:
3) Archostemata
4) Myxophaga
What order are endo-parasites of Hemiptera
Strepsiptera (translation: “twisted wing”’)
Describe the morphology of Strepsiptera
Males - large head with bulging eyes, reduced forewings
Females - similar to larva
What order are ‘true flies’?
What are these features of Diptera like?
a) wings
b) mouthparts
c) larvae
a) Mesothoracic wings only - hindwings are modified into halters
b) Mouthparts vary - some have no function, some are sucking and piercing
c) Larvae are apodous - no feet (maggots)
What are the 2 suborders of Diptera
1) Nematocera - more primitive - elongated bodies and many-segmented, often feathery antennae - mosquitoes and crane flies
2) Brachycera - rounder bodies and much shorter antennae
Name the 3 important infra orders in Brachycera
1) Muscomorpha - higher flies - horseflies, drosophila
2) Asilomorpha - lower flies - robber fly, house fly
3) Tabanomorpha - horse fly, tsetse fly
What disease does the Tsetse fly carry?
Carries trypanosomes, which causes sleeping sickness in humans, and trypanosomosis in animals
What order do Fleas belong to?
What kind of parasite are Siphonaptera and what are their mouthparts like?
Fleas are ectoparasites (lives on the outside of its host)
They have piercing and sucking mouthparts with no mandibles
What are the 4 suborders of Lepidoptera
1) Glossata (98% - includes all with a coiled proboscis)
2) microterigoidia
3) Agnathiphagoidea
4) heterobathmiodea
What 6 super-families does Glossata include?
1) Noctuoidea - owlet moths
2) Sphingidae -hawk moth
3) Geometroidea - swallow moths and geometrids
4) Papilinoidia - true butterflies
5) Hesperiodea - skipper butterflies
6) Hedyloidea - butterfly moths