L.4 - Balance Sheet Flashcards
Resources controlled by the firm
from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity
obligations of a firm arising from past events
settlement of which is respected result in an outflow of economic
owner´s equity
can be view as a residual or balancing amount
Equity = assets net of liabilities
–> should not be viewed as a measure of either the market or intrinsic value of company´s equity for three reasons:
1. BS is a mixed model w.r. to measurement
- some A&L are measured based on historical cost whereas others are based on fair value or current value
- current value reflects the value at end of reporting period
- values can change after the balance sheet is prepared - The value of a company is a function of many factors, incl. future cash flows
- important aspects, e.g. its reputation, patents, management skills - not included within BS
Current & NonCurrent Assets
= expected to be liquidated within a year or operating cycle
= maintained fo operating purposes
= represents infrastructure of the firm operates and not consumed in he current period
Current Assets
cash items to be converted into cash (trade receivables, marketable securities) used up (office supplies, prepaid expenses) sold up (inventories)
financial liabilities
current liabilities
financial liabilties classified as current if they are due to be settled within one year
even if original term was for a period longer than one year
trade payables and some accruals for employee and other operating costs,
–> are part of the WC used in the entity´s normal operating cycle
Working capital
=excess of current assets over current liabilities
level of WC provides analysts with information about ability of an entity to meet its liabilities as they fall due
- how quickly it can meet its ST obligation given its ST cash/asset account
Non-Current Assets
Long Term assets with physical substance that are used in company´s operations
sometimes collectively referred to as non-current, long term or long-.lived assets
- Investment Property to earn rental income or capital appreciation
- Intangible assets
Certain rights that are not presented by the possession of physical assets
two types:
a) identifiable intangibles - typically linked to specific rights of privilege having finite benefit periods
b) unidentifiable intangibles - linked to M&A having identifiable benefit periods
Intangible Assets
=identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance
E.g.: patents, licenses, trademarks
For each intangible, Co. has to assess whether useful life is
a) with finite:
useful life is amortised over its useful life with the amortisation method
–> UL estimate reviewed
–> asset tested for impairment
or b) infinite
not amortised
instead, at least annually, the reasonableness of assuming an indefinite UL for the asset is reviewed
asset is tested for impairment
Intangible Assets
how to report them?
may have been created INTERNALLY or PURCHASE
determine the cost of internally created can be difficult and subjective
HENCE - they are expensed rather than reported on BS
they include
- internally generated brands, publishing titles, customer lists
- start-up costs
- training costs
- admin expenses/ other generated overhead costs
- advert/promotion
- relocation/reorganisation expenses
- redundancy and other termination costs
Unidentfiable Intangible Assets
assets that are never recorded on BS because they have NO PHYSICAL SUBSTANCE OR NON-IDENT. Examples: - management skills - name recognition - good reputation
when firm acquires another
if the PRICE > FAIR VALUE of asset&liabilities
the excess amount is recorded as Goodwill - recognised as an asset
= PV of excess returns that a company s expected to earn
= analogous to determining the PF of future CF associated with other assets&projects
claim that often turn out to be based n UNREALSTIC expectations
thereby leading to future write-offs
Special Cases
certain items not recognised in financial statements (e.g. reputation, distribution system, trained employees) have value
expenditure on R&D may not have met criteria for recognition but nonetheless have value
part of value of an acquisition may arse from strategic position or synergies
Impairment Loss
- GW is capitalised and tested for impairment annually
- Impairment loss = charged against income in current period
- IL = reduces current earnings, total assets, ROA,
- IL = non cash item
Components of Equity
=residual claim on company´s asset after deducting liabilities
= claim of owner against company
Components: 1. COMMON STOCK =Capital contributed by owners Issued Sh. sold to investors Outstanding Shares = issued SH - Treasury SH
= classified as equity or fin. liabilities based upon their character. rather than legal form - TREASURY STOCK
= shares in company repurchased by company itself
= held as treasury shares, rather than being cancelled - RETAINED EARNINGS
= cumulative amount of earnings recognised not been paid to owners of the co. as dividends - ACCUM. other Compr. Income
= or other reserved
= cumulative amount of OCI or loss - NON CONTROLLING INTEREST (minority Interest)
= equity interest of minority SH in the subsidiary companies that have been consolidated by the parents
(=controlling company)
but not wholly owned by parent company