L4 & 5 - Experimental Health Research (RCTs) Flashcards
What is maturation/spontaneous recovery?
People just improve over time with no direct intervention
What is the practice effect? (AKA learning effect)
Improvement on an assessment following exposure to one previously (the same or similar test)
What is the placebo effect?
The placebo effect is when a fake treatment is given, and a bigger improvement is seen in their condition/pain/QoL than no intervention/treatment
What is the dose response effect?
Increased amount of placebo = increased impact
What are key elements of placebo?
- Dose response effect
- Branding on the packaging
- Route of administration - e.g. IV over pill
When is placebo ethical?
- Not if you are withholding effective treatment
- If there is no proven, effective treatment
Why randomise participants to research groups?
- To avoid selection bias
- In large enough groups, randomisation is likely mean confounders are distributed evenly across both groups
What is selection bias?
Bias due to the selection of participants - it is not properly randomised, meaning the sample achieved doesn’t truly represent the populalation it aims to analyse.
How should the comparison variable be chosen?
- Use the proven effective treatment
- If one doesnt exist, use placebo
Why does allocation/assessment need to be blind to participants and researchers?
It is well established within research that assessment is biased if not blinded.
What is allocation concealment?
- Allocating participants to groups thorugh the use of a pre-generated random sequence
- Allocation concealment means researchers should not be able to predict which group a participant will be allocated to
What is the basic principle of randomisation in a trial as carried out by a statistician/CTU?
- The CTU generates a group allocation sequence (A, B, B, B, A, A, B, A, B, A, A etc) in advance, and allocates each participant accordingly to group A or group B as they enter the study
What is fixed randomisation?
Group allocation has a prespecified probability of going into which group (if its a 2 arm trial, probs 50/50)
What are the three types of fixed randomisation?
- Simple randomisation
- (permuted) block randomisation
- Stratified randomisation
What is simple randomisation?
- The computer generates a random sequence for all 30 participants