L35: Micronutrients: The Vitamins (aishah) Flashcards
How many water soluble vitamins are required by humans?
Which type of vitamin is essential?
Water soluble vitamins; it gets excreted quickly fa we need to ingest it dietarily daily
What are characteristics of water soluble vitamins?
- they’re removed and excreted by the kidneys
- they aren’t stored in the body (vit b12 is an exception)
- they’re generally non-toxic (b6 is an exception)
- must be part of daily diet
- fragile and heat sensitive
If you were to choose between boiling and steaming which would you choose?
Steaming; you would lose less water
What are the sources of thiamin (b1)?
- Enriched grains consumed ad breakfast cereals and baked goods
- Found in meat and fish > dairy products
- Nuts, legumes
Thiamin may be destroyed by?
What is the recommended daily intake of thiamin for adults?
1.1-1.2 mg/day
What is the key co enzyme for energy producing reactions?
Thiamin phyrophosohate (TPP) is an active phosphorylated form of thiamin, it’s a co factor
- Pyruvate DEH
- Alpha Ketoglutarate
- Branched chain oxo-acid DEH
- Transketolase
Deficiency if thiamin leads to…
Suppression of aerobic metabolism ➡️ lactic acidemia
Requirements of thiamin is increased with…
Thiamin and the nervous system:
What is beri beri ?
- Beri beri is a disease of the 19th caused by thiamin deficiency (since we know that thiamin plays an important role in the nervous system)
- high risk population groups still exist
What are the symptoms of beri beri?
- Depression and weakness ☹️
2. Poor coordination, paralysis, and tingling in the arms and legs 🦵💪🏼
Thiamin deficiency causes what diseases?
- Beriberi
- Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome
- Common in malnourished alcoholics
Describe wernicke-korsakoffs syndrome
How does thiamin deficiency occur in malnourished alcoholics?
What are the sources of riboflavin (b2)?
- Milk **
- Red meat, poultry, fish
- Whole grains, enriched bread and cereals
- Asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, and green leafy veggies
Features of riboflavin?
- Heat stable
2. Light sensitive (that’s why glass containers of milk were replaced with thick plastic containers)
What is the daily recommended intake of riboflavin?
1.1-1.3 mg/day
What is the function of riboflavin?
Transfer of H (electron transport chain)
What are examples of flavoenzymes?
How does riboflavin deficiency occur?
Occurs in conjunction with deficiencies of other B vitamins
Symptoms of riboflavin deficiency are known as?
What are the dietary sources of niacin?
De novo synthesis of niacin
It’s a non significant source under normal conditions; it doesnt really raise niacin levels in the body since the majority of niacin comes from the diet
What’s the recommended daily intake of niacin?
35 mg/day
Akthar mn b1 w b2
Which vitamins are heat stable?
Riboflavin and niacin
Niacin is a precursor for?