L3. Thoracic wall anatomy Flashcards
Describe the boundaries, bony and muscular components and general contents of throracic cage
Bordered by T1-12 vertebral bodies, Ribs 1-12, manubrium, sternum and xiphoid process.
Containing organs, major vessels and Somatic and ANS nerves.
Sup Thoracic aperture : T1 body, rib 1 and manubrium.
What are the 3 parts of the sternum and what do they articulate with
Manubrium: with clavicle, rib 1 and 2,mesosternum
Mesosternum: other 2 parts and cartilage of ribs 2-7
Xiphisternum; nothing
What are the structures at the angle of louis- T4/5- transthoracic plane
Rib 2, Arch of aorta, bifurcation of pulmonary trunk, tracheal bifurcation, ligamentum arteriosum, azygos+ SVC.
Used for JVP measuring and counting ribs
Which are the true, false and floating ribs. Which are typical and atypical
Typical ribs are 3-9
Atypical ribs are 1-2, 10-12. (top and bottom)
True ribs articulate directly with the sternum (via costal cartilage)= 1-7
False ribs join sternum indirectly/ not at all= 8-12
Floating ribs have no attachment, more mobile protection= 11 & 12
Describe the 4 main features of typical ribs
- Head that articulates with demifacets on body of its own vertebra and the one above + the IV disc via the crest.
- Tubercle articulates with articular part of transverse process of own vertebra. Non articular part for costotransverse ligament
- Costal angle= most curved part of the body
- Costal groove on inferior border protects intercostal neurovascular bundle.
What are the features of the first atypical rib
1st rib: Single facet on the head which articulates with T1 only. There is no subcostal groove, but there are grooves on the superior surface for subclavian vessels(vein more anterior) separated by the Scalene tubercle.
What are the features of the second atypical rib
2nd rib: There is a rough area on the upper surface: tuberosity for serratus anterior
What are the features of the bottom atypical ribs
Ribs 10-12 all only have a single facet on the head to articulate with only their own vertebra Rib 11 and 12 especially have no neck or tubercle with free end in abdominal musculature. #12 doesn't have subcostal groove or angle
Most joints are synovial, what are the fibrocartilagenous ones in the intervertebral and sternocostal joints
Intervertebral joints: between vertebral bodies.
Sternocostal: between manubrium and rib 1 and manubriosternal joint.
NB: interchondral joints at the lower ribcage are synovial plane joints.
Describe the costovertebral joints and ligaments
At the joint of the ribs with the vertebral body, there are two separate synovial joint cavities for each costal demifacet separated by an intra-articular ligament. Contained in 1 joint capsule.
3 Costotransverse ligaments to support and stabilise joint, one to transverse process of superior, and one posterior and one lateral to tp of own level
Describe the movement of ribs during inspiration
Upper ribs have more lateral axis so have more ant and superior movement. Lower ribs have more posterior axis so have lateral and superior bucket handle movement
What passes through the inferior aperture
IVC at T8, Oesophagus at T10, Aorta at T12, Vagus CNX to abdominal plexus, Splanchnic nerves and Thoracic duct.
What are the 3 intercostal muscles and the neurovascular plane
Out to in: External intercostal (becomes membrane at costal cartilage), Internal intercostal (starts form sternum), innermost intercostal.
Neurovascular plane is between internal and innermost intercostal
What is the organisation of nerves in intercostal space, and the order of structures overall in the neurovascular bundle
The intercostal nerve originates from the vertebral level (at the 12=subcostal nerve). The Anterior rami give motor and sensory nerves. There are lateral and anterior perforating (cutaneous) branches.
Order from top to bottom= Vein, Artery, Nerve
What is the arterial supply in the intercostal space
Anterior intercostal arteries for 1-6 originate from the internal thoracic artery which runs parasternally between ribcage and transversus thoracis muscle.
The 7-9 is from musculophrenic (alternative branch to sup epigastric)
these meet in the middle with the posterior intercostal arteries.
1 and 2 from Supreme intercostal artery. 3-11 and subcostal from Thoracic aorta.
What is the venous drainage in the intercostal space
Anterior intercostal veins: from internal thoracic vein
Posterior intercostal veins drain to azygos vein on right side, accessory hemiazygos and hemiazygos on the left side.
What is the structure, and lymphatic drainage of the female breast
Mostly adipose tissue (and glandular) on top of deep pectoral fascia.
75% to axillary nodes, remainder to parasternal nodes which can cross to the opposite side, inferior breast may drain small to abdominal nodes
What is the blood supply to the breast
Arterial: Medial mammary branches from the internal thoracic artery and Lateral mammary branches from the lateral thoracic artery.
Venous drainage by the medial and lateral mammary veins
What is T4 dermatome landmark
The nipples. Above this more likely to be referred pain from heart/ lungs. Below until umbilicus (t10) epigastric pain with some overlap
Whats the difference between kyphosis and lordosis
Kyphosis is hunchback, lordosis is potbelly