L3, Calcium signalling intro Flashcards
Ion channels in signalling: 2 key roles
- Electrical (FAST; m/sec): e.g. propagation of APs (sensory perception, motor responsives), usually in animals
- Second messenger (SLOW;nm/sec): Transduction of readily diffusible cytosolic molecules. e.g. cytosolic Ca2+
Key cytosolic Calcium dynamics:
- Calcium waves
- Calcium gradient
- Calcium oscillations or ‘sparks’
Calcium waves overview (+ key example):
- e.g. post-fertilisation wave in eggs
- First observed in Medaka fish egg
- Synchronising the activation of the egg (i.e. cell cycles and other cellular events triggered simultaneously)
- Also prevents polyspermy
Calcium gradients overview (+ key example):
- Associated with polarised cell growth
- e.g. pollen tubes of plant cells (tubular growth associated with tip high Calcium gradient; thought to induce exocytosis at growing tip -> further plasma membrane laid down -> local expansion
Conventional dye for Calcium elevations
- Fura-2
Calcium oscillations overview (+ key example):
- Many examples exist for Calcium increasing locally and transiently in response to environmental or external signal
- e.g. Transient and localised Ca2+ sparks observed in smooth muscle which are associated with excitation/contraction coupling
- It matters where in cell, dynamic event
Key events in Calcium signals:
- Stimulus -> influx/efflux mechanisms
- Ca-spike
- Decoders (25,000 genes)
- Response through regulation of enzymes and structures/translation
- Feedback to influx and efflux mechanisms
Cytosolic and intracellular Calcium levels, relevance for transport:
- Maintained very low
- 100-200nM at resting levels
- All cells have an inside cytosol negative membrane potential ranging from -60 to -300mV
- Always a driving force for Calcium influx into the cytosol
- Influx: Passive via ion channels
- Efflux: Active, using ATP hydrolysis or driver ion gradients
Sources of calcium:
- Extracellular: calcium influx inot cytosol across PM
- Intracellular: calcium influx into cytosol from discrete compartments within the cell -> many pools ranging from ubiquitous sources like ER, nucleus, mitochondria to specific oes like vacuoles and chloroplasts in plant and fungi/SR in muscle cells
Endomembrane calcium channels:
2 families
- IP3R family (3 members)
- RyR family (3 members)
Plasma membrane calcium channels:
4 families
- Voltage gated Ca2+-permeable channel family (10x)
- TRP channel family (32x; some in endomembranes)
- CNGCs (6x)
- HCN (4x)
IP3: Size and monomer organisation with function
- Formed as a tetramer -> HUGE
- Each monomer 2700 aa (313 kDa)
- Can also form heterotetramers -> exquisite complexity via balance of their different properties
- N-terminus forms ligand binding site
- Large central domain forms regulatory domain (Calcium, CaM, ATP binding, phosph. by PKA and TK)
- The C-terminus contains 6-TMS domains; channel pore
Biophysical properties of IP3 receptors:
Selectivity, blocking, conductance (SC), gating
- Pore forming region between TMS5 and 6
- Huge size makes topology very difficult to determine
- Selectivity: P^Ca;P^K = 4.1
- Pharmacology: Blocked by heparin
- Single channel conductance: ~350 pS (large conductance, but not the highest)
- Gating requires IP3 binding; joins as tetramer -> IP3 binding affinity modulated by Calcium, ATP and kinases -> CICR link-in
Different isoforms of IP3R (3 types and where they are mainly expressed, 2 key differences between them):
- 3 identified
- IP3R-1: expressed mainly in CNS
- IP3R-2: Predominantly expressed in hepatocytes and lymphocytes
- IP3R-3: Expression in cardiomyocytes
- Isoforms differ markedly in their response to IP3 (different affinities; 2 > 1 > 3)
- Markedly different responses to calcium; high Calcium concentrations fail to inhibit IP3R-3 activity (thus involved in CICR) whereas in type I, acts as an antagonist -> rapid negative feedback (therefore short, self limiting pulses as in smooth muscle)
IP3Rs when challenged with antigen following calcium signal:
- Experiment carried out in lymphocytes
- Different subtypes of IP3R generate different Ca2+ signals indicating that the different sensitivities to IP3 and Calcium are physiologically relevant
- Cells expressing type II give a response similar to that observed in wild type; this receptor subtype must predominantly be involved in this cell response
Structure function relationship of VGCCs:
- alpha-1 subunit: pore-forming, extracellular, linked to delta subunit by disulphide link; modulatory
- Gamma subunit in membrane; modulatory
- Beta subunit: cytosolic; important for activity
Alpha subunit of VGCCs:
- 4 repeats of S4 family domain
- S4 domain: voltage sensor
- P-region; pore forming with conserved E
- Binding sites for DHP, beta-subunit, RyR (L-type VGCC)
Biophysical properties of voltage gated calcium channels:
- Macroscopic currents more complex to analyse
- Activated by membrane depolarisation
- Allow E-C calcium influx across PM
- Present in all excitable cells in PM
- Highly selective for calcium
Role of VGCCs in signal transduction:
3 key responses
- Detecting electrical signals, converting to Calcium signal (transducers)
- Responses include excitation-contraction coupling, exocytosis and gating ion channel activity
Excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle:
- L-type VGCCs sense electrical signal
- ‘puff’ of calcium -> signals RyR1 coupled with SR -> calcium floods cytosol (huge conductance)
- Regulates contraction via TnC, actin and myosin
- Regulates metabolic activity -> ATP generation for contraction event
Exocytosis overview:
Occurs at synaptic junctions:
1. AP
2. Membrane depolarisation
3. VGCCs activation
4. Ca2+ elevation
5. Exocytosis and secretion of NT
6. Activation of ligand gated channels in post-synaptic junctions
7. Depolarisation fires new AP
Gating of ion channels by VGCCs:
- Two key calcium channels: VGCC and BK^Ca
- BK channels allow potassium out of cell -> voltage gradient for VGCC to allow Ca2+ influx -> counteracting contraction of smooth muscle
- Increase BK: Vasodilation
- Decrease BK: Vasoconstriction