L2, Sensing with channels Flashcards
Trp identification and naming:
- First identified in Drosophila
- Mutants found to have transient receptor potentials
- See WS1: Patch clamp technique
Trp channel mechanistic overview: (Drosophila response to light)
- Rhodopsin (GPCR) senses light
- Metarhodopsin activated -> ..-> PIP2 -> IP3 + DAG
- Activation and opening of Trp channels
- Depolarisation -> Neuronal signalling
- i.e. Channels are closed in the dark, open in light -> AP
Phototransduction in invertebrates:
- Light stimulates rhodopsin -> metarhodopsin
- cGMP -> 5’GMP
- Activated cNGCs (open in dark)
- Light leads to closing of channel -> hyperpolarisation
Trp channel superfamily members:
- Many members
- Subdivided into TRPA, C, M, ML, P, V
Distinguishing features of Trp channels:
- 6 TMS domains
- 1 pore domain -> all are cation selective (usually prefer Ca2+ over Na+)
- No voltage sensor
- Long C and N-termini for regulation of gating
- Highly promiscuous gating
- Key sites: Phosph. sites, ankyrin repeats, Calmodulin binding sites
Regulation of Trp channels (broad categories):
- Receptor activation: GPCRs and RTKs that activate PLCs modulate TRP channels activity via PIP2, DAG or IP3-mediated Ca2+ release from internal stores
- Ligand activation: Either via exogenous small organic molecules (e.g. Capsaicin), inorganic ions and purine nucleotides
- Direct activation: Changes in ambient temperature or mechanical stimuli
What TRP channels are involved in thermosensation?
- TRPV1, V2, V3, V4, M2 -> activated by heating
- TRPM8, A1 -> activated by cooling
- Different channels concerned with different ranges of temperature -> many together confer broad range
Evidence for TRPV1 role (mice):
- TRPV1 deficient mice lack a subset of neurons that respond to moderate heat
- Delayed response to painful heat
Evidence for TRPM8 role (mice):
Thermo- and chemosensation
- Null mutant showed no preference for comfortable vs variable temperature chambers
- Wild type prefer comfortable chamber
- Neurons for TRPM8-/- mice show loss of cold sensitivity
- Lack of flinching to acetone
- Evidence for primary role in sensing
Mechanism for thermosensing: TRPV1
- Channel opening shows a much steeper temperature dependence than channel closing
- As temperature increases, channel opening is favoured relative to channel closure
Mechanism for thermosensing: TRPM8
- Temperature dependence for channel opening is much less steep than that for channel closing
Mechanosensation and hearing:
- Fluid filled compartment of hair cells with stereocilia on top in ear
- Vibration transmitted into inner ear, moves fluid, stereocilia jostled from side to side
- Generates receptor potential in hair cells
- Rapid mechanism; can hear at frequencies from 200 to 20,00 Hz -> msec valuesM
Mechanotransduction in hearing:
- Stereocilia consists of two structure joined by tip link; movement stretches out tip link -> depolarisation -> receptor potential transmitted along to brain
- Rapid repsonse; direct effect on ion channel
Evidence for role of TRPA1 in mechanotransduction in hearing:
- TRPA1 highly expressed in hair bundles
- Maturation of hair cell mechanosensitvity coincides with TRPA1 mRNA expression
- Disruption of TRPA1 in zebra fish and mice inhibits mechanotransduction
- Structure of tail contains many ankyrin repeats -> anchoring to cytoskeleton to generate force upon mechanical stimulus
TRP targets of sensory molecules (x4):
- Capsaicin, piperine: TRPV1
- Menthol, eucalyptol: TRPM8
TRPV1 in chemosensation: (Scoville relationships, species comparisons)
- Currents elicited by capsaicin and extracts derived from 4 different varieties of peppers
- Scovilles: Dilution factor of the spice required to be barely detectable on tongue
- Ability to sense heat aligns with scoville scale
- Birds are insensitive to capsaicin
- A tyrosine serine motif in the linker between TM2 and TM3 important for capsaicin binding; missing in chickens
+ Sour taste detection
- 5 basic taste modalities in humans: Sweet, bitter, sour, salty, umami
- Detecting sourness is important in spoiled/rotten foods (acidic)
- Candidate sensor: PKD2L1
- Study involved knockout mice for PKD2L1 -> no response to sour stimuli
- Also expressed in specific neurons surrounding the central canal of the spinal chord (pH sensing -> useful for maintaining control over peripheral respiration; measuring [CO2] via pH)