[L3]_Starting HVAC Calculations & Design Conditions Flashcards
Name the six (6) typical internal heat gain (loads) types.
- Fan Energy Loads
- Ductwork Energy Transmission & Losses
- Light Fixtures
- Equipment Motor Loads
- Human Sensible & Latent Loads
- Plenum area
Per ASHRAE what is the correct weather zone for Long Island, NY?
Zone (4)
Per ASHRAE which weather zone type is considered Dry?
* Zone (A)
* Zone (B)
* Zone (C)
Zone B
What is the best direction for a building to face in order to collect the greatest amount of solar irradiance thoughout the day on the northern hemisphere?
Name the state which has the highest temperature and humidity level. Also, define what is occuring at the selected state as well.
- State “O”
- Fresh outside air is being introduced to the AC system during the summer time.
What is the heating/cooling load calculation method required for residential and low-rise applications only?
Manual J8, created by ACCA (Air-Conditioning Contractors of America)
List the five (5) methods created for building HVAC load calculations.
- Total Equivalent Temperature Difference/Time Average (TETD/TA)
- Transfer Function Method (TFM)
- Cooling Load Temperature Difference/Cooling Load Factor (CLTD/CLF)
- Heat Balance (HB) & Radiant Time Series (RTS)
- Manual J8 Method for Residential Applications
Which heating/cooling load calculation method is the most difficult to complete by hand and requires a computer to complete?
RTS (Radiant Time Series)
W₁ = W₂, expresses what is occuring in an air stream?
Humidity level remains constant and no additional humidty is added no removed thus only dB is changing on the psychrometric chart.
When cooling & dehumidifiying a space, what change must occur with the temperature?
The airstream’s temperature must be cooled and brought down below the dew point of the space.
What is the name of the coil labeled (A)?
Reheat Coil
What does STC stand for?
Standard Temperature Conditions
What is the STC of dry-air and pressure as defined by ASHRAE?
68-degrees (F) & 14.7 psia
What is the STC density of dry-air and specific volume as defined by ASHRAE?
- Density of Dry-Air @ STC = 0.075 lb/ft³
- Specific Volume of Dry-Air @ STC = 13.3 ft³/lb
What is the fully expressed equation for Sensible Heat?
qs = (Qx(60))x(0.075)x(0.24 + (0.45W))xΔt
What is the industries expression for Sensible Heat?
qs = 1.10xQxΔt
What is the fully expressed equation for Latent Heat?
qL = [(Q)x(60)x(0.075)x(1076 Btu/lb)]xΔW
What is the industries expression for Latent Heat?
qL = 4840xQxΔW
Define a SCAV unit.
- Self Contained Air-Cooled Vertical Unit
- A combined condensing unit and AHU which is vertically standing on the floor as one (1) unit in a single location.
What is a single-zone system?
Simplified systems are dedicated to one (1) area w/o central building controls to satisfy dB temperature w/o significant humidity control.
Which ASHRAE codes dictates IAQ and Ventilation requirements?
ASHRAE 62.1 & 62.2
What are the two (2) types of generic ventilation required for any new project space?
- Natural Ventilation
- Mechanical Ventilation
Expressed in formulas, list the three (3) scenarios for ventilation.
- Scenario #1 - Qsrv = Qor/Xo
- Scenario #2 - Qsrv = Qsr
- Scenario #3 - Qsrv = Volume (FT3) * (ACH/60)
- Scenario #4 - Qsrv = K * (CFM/FT2)
What formula is used for the indoor exhaust air is the most important aspect of the design for your space, ie. laboratory?
Scenario #2
What is the name of the HVAC component in this system schematic diagram used to balance the total air-flow?
Manual Volume Damper
List the three (3) types of fire-stopping methods used for HVAC ductwork.
- Motorized Fire Dampers
- Spring Loaded Curtain Fire Dampers
- Ductwork Fire-Stopping Retaining Angles
What is the definition of ASHRAE Standard 55?
Standard 55 specifies conditions for acceptable thermal environments and comfort zones as is intended for use in design, operation, and other occupied spaces.
What is the definition of a Comfort Zone per ASHRAE Standard 55?
The optimal range/combinations of thermal & personal factors (clothing and activity level) with which at least 80% of the building occupants are expected to express satisfaction.
What does SBS stand for and its definition?
- Sick Building Syndrome
- The number of possible health issues or illness generated during the occupancy of a building due to uncomfortable indoor building conditions.
List five (5) typical sysmptoms of SBS illness.
- Mucosal Irritation
- Asthma
- Nose Bleeds
- Chest Tightness
- Headache
What is the defined typical internal core temperature of the standard person per ASHRAE 55?
What is the mean skin temperature of comfort for a typical human per ASHRAE 55?
88°F to 96.8°F
What is the maximum allowed temperature swing before discomfort occurs for a typical person?
What is the recommended Summer Indoor Design Condition?
75°F dB & 50% RH
What is the recommended Winter Indoor Design Condition?
70°F dB & 20% to 30% RH
What is the Clothing Insulation range recommended for Winter & Summer?
- Winter = 0.8 to 0.9
- Summer = 0.5 to 0.6
How much time is required per ASHRAE Standard 55 to define a space qualified for long term occupant use?
A minimum of 15-minutes.
List the six (6) factors per ASHRAE 55 related to Thermal Comfort.
- Metabolic Rate
- Clothing Insulation
- Air Temperature
- Radiant Temperature
- Air Speed
- Humidity
What is the formula for calculating a specific person’s metabolic rate per ASHRAE 55?
True or False: The insulation factor of the clothing we wear everyday has a maximum limit of time to maintain our personal body temperature comfortably from the outdoor environment?
True, it is calculated as the Tmax, lcl of clothing insulation
Is 65°F dB @ 50% RH inside or outside the Summer Comfort Range?
What is the typical (°F) temperature range an office main lobby entrance is to save energy during the summer?
4°F to 6°F
What is the minimum temperature (°F) allowed during the winter for a Garage per ASHRAE 55?
40°F (dB)
What is the recommended design conditions all year around for hospital operating rooms per ASHRAE 55?
72°F @ 55% RH
Are hospital operating rooms required to be positively, negatively, or neutrally pressurized facilities?
Positively Pressurized
What are the two (2) temperature base references when calculating using Degree-Day method?
65°F & 50°F
What is the HDD for just one (1) day when the outside temperature is 12°F for HDD50 & HDD65?
- HDD50 = 50°F - 12°F = 38°F
- HDD65 = 65°F - 12°F = 53°F
What are the formulas for HDD & CDD?
- HDD = (Tbase – Ta) x No. Days
- CDD = (Ta - Tbase) x No. Days
At what speed does the Wind Chill effect stop increasing?
Any speed 43 mph or greater.
Are degree-days a unit of time? Yes or No.
No, degree-days are a unit of time & temperature.