L23: Stem Cells Flashcards
stem cell
cell that is capable of extensive self renewal, creating more stem cells AND more differentiated progeny.
Stem cells play critical roles in homeostasis
and injury repair throughout life.
types of stem cells
adult stem cells
committed stem cells that give rise to a limited set of cells and tissue types (multipotent).
Examples: hematopoietic, epidermal, neural, hair,
melanocyte, muscle, tooth, gut, germline stem cells
Present throughout the life of the individual; but they are
rare and difficult to isolate, ~1/1000
adult stem cells reside in a special regualtory environment called a ….
stem cell niche in the mammalian intestine
role of paneth cell (niche cell) - secretes Wnt, creates a barrier
challenges for using adult stem cells in therapy
Difficult to find and isolate
because of scarcity
- Need to identify the niche condition
- Need different types of adult stem cells for different therapies
- They generally grow poorly in culture and are difficult to expand
- Need to overcome histo-incompatibility (rejection by the immune system of foreign cells)
Adult stem cells can be used in therapy
eg: bone marrow transplantation
embryonic stem cells
derived from cells transiently present in embryogenesis; when cultured, can remain undifferentiated, but can give
rise to any cell in the body under appropriate conditions (pluripotent)
ES cells have tremendous therapeutic potential
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problems associated with the use of ES cells in therapy
Technical problems:
* Histo-incompatibility (ES cells are not patient-derived
and can be rejected by the patient’s immune system)
* The differentiation pathways are not well known and are difficult to identify
Ethical problems:
* Is it ethical/moral to create human blastocysts just for
the purpose of generating stem cells for therapies?
* Is a blastocyst a human individual with rights?
nuclear transfer stem cells = NTSCs
problems associated with therapeutic cloning
Technical problem: success rate is very low (Dolly:
1/434 nuclei transplanted), a lot of eggs need to be donated
Ethical problem: Is it ethical/moral to create human blastocysts just for the purpose of generating stem cells? Is a blastocyst a human individual with rights?
induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)
mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent
OSK transcription regulator are necessary and sufficient for pluripotency
master regulators of pluripotency participate in a self-sustained positive feedback loop
problems associated with the use of iPS cells in therapy
Technical problems:
* The pluripotency factors must be turned off in order to allow iPS cells to differentiate and to avoid tumorigenesis
* iPS cells are not identical to ES cells (eg. differences in some epigenetic marks)
* Somatic cells used to make iPS cells may carry damaging mutations
* Safety of reprogramming is not completely known
* Although straightforward it is still very costly to create iPS cells for every patient
basic science applications of ESCs
example of gene knockout experiment: leptin knockout mice are obese
KO experiment helped show that leptin is a hormone which regulates body fat as well as the sensation of hunger, and its loss results in obesity, susceptibility to diabetes, and other complications.
Reprogrammed skin cells combined with gene therapy can treat sickle cell anemia in a mouse model
organoids - study human mini organs in a dish using IPSCs
can be used as an experimental tool (epithelial functions), diagnostic tool (cystic fibrosis), and as a therapeutic tool (ulcerative colitis)
adult hematopoietic stem cells are frequently used in clinics