L20: Pattern Formation of Drosophila Flashcards
what are the two differences in early embryo patterning mechanisms?
- egg fertilization - egg polarity (fly egg is highly polar where as a mouse/human egg is nonpolar)
- Early embryo - most animals go through cleavage divsions but the fly goes through syncytium
why do we care about Drosophila development?
-short generation time - 9 days to sexual maturity
-sophisticated genetic and molecular biology tools
-studies in drosophila have revealed how genetic control mechanisms govern development
-many basic mechanisms, including the functions of specific molecules (Hox genes), are conserved in humans
fate map of fly development
* How does this segmented pattern forms?
* How does each segment know its identity?
* How is the pattern maintained throughout development?
approach: genetic screens (looking for mutants with defects)
drosophila early embryo is a syncytium
- unfertilized fly egg is already polarized
- fertilized egg
- many nuclei divide rapidly in a syncytium
- nuclei migrate to periphery, where cell boundaries will eventually form
- 13 divisions prior to cellularization, forms multiple somatic cells
bristle patterns reveal…
distinct anterior-posterior (A-P) difference among and within segments
egg-polarity gene (bicoid)
missing anterior or posterior segments
what are the three segmentation genes?
- gap gene - missing several contiguous segments
- pair-rule gene - missing alternating segments
- segment-polarity gene - polarity defect in every segment
hierarchy of gene regulatory interaction patterns
first, egg polarity genes organize the A-P axis of early embryo (prior to fertilization)
this affects expression of three groups of genes which control segmentation along A-P axis: gapm pair-rule, seegment-polarity genes
hox genes…
give identity to each segment
egg polarity genes…
encode maternal molecules deposited in the egg
bicoid mutants lack anterior
- Maternal bicoid mRNA is localized
to the anterior of the egg prior to
fertilization - Bicoid protein is made after
fertilization and diffuses in the
syncytium, forming a gradient
from anterior to posterior - Bicoid is a transcription regulator
- Bicoid regulates the expression of
gap and pair-rule genes - Bicoid acts as a morphogen!
Activates expression of genes in a
concentration-dependent manne
egg-polarity gene products form opposing gradients
egg polarity gene product gradients induce epression of zygotic genes and turn on —– genes
GAP genes
gap genes are…
- Expressed in broad domains (multiple segments)
- Encode transcription regulators
- Their expression is regulated by
egg-polarity genes - They regulate the expression of
other gap genes and pair-rule genes
pair-rule genes…
- Mutants lack every other segment
(either odd or even segments
depending on the gene) - Expressed in 7 segments (either
even or odd) ~ or 7 ‘stripes’ - Encode transcription factors
- Their expression is regulated by
gap genes and egg-polarity genes - They regulate the expression of
other pair-rule genes and
segment-polarity genes
how to determine which factors regulate the expression of a gene?
example: Gene A