L20: Ticks and Lice Flashcards
What are ticks
*small, hematophagus that undergo incomplete metamorphosis
*wingless, no jump just crawl
*survive 1+ year without feeding
*transmit to viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa
*the bite is painless but causes allergic responses, paralysis and secondary infections
What are the two morphologically and ecologically distinct ticts
Hard tick -> ixodidae
*hard dorsal scutum
*unfed they are flat and found in busy grassy areas
*feed for long time 24-58hrs
*single blood feel per feeding life stage
*mates on host while eggs laid off host
*after feeding, adult female falls off host, lays eggs then dies
*1 nymphal instar
*1, 2 or 3 hosts host life cycles
Soft tick -> agarsidae
*when unfed raisin shaped and hides in cracks/burrows in daytime
*feed in less than hour and several blood meal per life stage
*mating and eggs laid off hosts
*females are gonotrophic they can alternate between feeding and egg laying
*mutli host life cycle
life cyle slide 5 +6
life cyle slide 5 +6
Describe tick mouthparts, describe secretions and their effect
three visible components
- palps: two outside jointed parts that move laterally while feeding, not in host skin
- Chelicerae: cutting mandibgles in between palps that are flexible and used to probe and cut skin
- hypostome: rod shaped tube with beak projections pointing backwards to secure tick place on host, attachment organ that is protected by Chelicerae
the tick secret cement that also further anchors and anticoagulant to prevent blood coagulation
Associate ticks with disease and distrubution
lyme disease -> B.burgforegi -> not africa
rocky mountain fever ->Rickettisa => North America
Baberosis -> babesia -> Worldwide => North america ….
What is lice
small parasitic insects with no free-living stages, incomplete metamorphosis with 3 nympha stages
wingless only crawl
doroventrally flattened with reduced/no eyes
mostly host specific and dependant on it to complete life cycle, cling to host using tarsal claws and eggs are glued to hair
skin, hair, feathers
What are the three types of lice
Biting lice:
*blunted head that is wider than thorax
*ventral biting mandibles
*feed on epidermal debris and are active, move through hair
Sucking lice
*infect mammals with pointy head that is narrower than thorax
*piercing mouth parts and feed on blood
*less active/move slow often found embedded in skin
Discuss human lice, disease, role or pets
have predilection sites
human are the only host for 3 sucking lice
head lice p.humanus.captis
body lice … humaous, humaous
pubic lice pubis
head and body cause pediculosis
pubic causes pthiraiss
pets play no roll
Describe head lice and life cycle
called pediculus humanus captis
*very common and worlside
*school, more girls than boys
*does not transmit disease but can cause secondary infections from scratching
*not related to hygiene just spreads
life cycle: egg => nymp => adult
Life Stages of Pediculus humanus capitis
*hard to see and look like dandruff
*oval, yellow white
*6mm within scalp
*look like adult but smaller, pinehead size
*sesmee head, 6 legs with claws
*tan, feamels are bigger
*30 days, feed several times a day
*without blood meal dies in 2 days
Clinical Presentation, diagnosis, treatment of P. h. capitis
causes Pediculosis
* asymptomatic
*tickly, itchy feeling
*seconday bright infects
*small red paules under hairline
*finding live nymphs/adult or nits 6mm within scalp
*pediculicides like lice/nit killing shampoos
*not combs
Body lice, morphology, habits, transmission and disease
Pediculus humanus humanus
*morphologically similar to head lice but with a different life cycle
*in clothing, bedding and go to human body to feed, can be found in hair
*worlwide but less common than lice, related to hygiene so poor, war, homeless
*transmission by contact with fomites
*only body louse spread diseases like typus, trench fever and louse borne relapsing fever spread by poop
Clinical Presentation of P. h. humanus Pediculosis
*red spots and bumps on back, neck and wasite, irritation from allergic reaction to bite
*small crust on skin and blood from bites
*seconday infection
heavy infection and prolonged infection have thickendded discoloured skin on bitten areas and secondary iron defincy anemia
Diagnosis and treatment of P. h. humanus Pediculosis
*find eggs and crawling lice on clothes or mature lice feeding on skin
*better hygiene, clean/changes clothes, hot water
*pediculicide but not needed if ur clean
Pubic Lice tranmission, symptoms, morphology
Pthirus pubis
- causes pthiriasis found in pubic hair
*broader and crab like
*life cycle like head lice, world wide and asymptomatic
*when present symptoms life head lice, tickly, itching
*transmission by sexual contact and formites play minor role in transmission
Public lice diagnosis and treatment
*find live nymphs or adult in hair of person
*can also be found on coarse hair like armput or moustache, beard, lashes
*lice killing lotions, fine tooth combed