L2 Structure of the nail Flashcards
Nail growth begins here
Cell division is also known as
New cells are pushed over what
Nail bed
Nail cells are guided straight up by
Nail grooves
The hardening process is called
The extention of the nail plate over the edge of the finger is called
Free edge
The seal underneath the free edge is called
The seal beneath the cuticle is called
The half moon which is lighter in colour and contains unkeritinised cells
It is the layer of epidermis at the base of the nail, before the cuticle. It protects the matrix from physical damage
This structure is formed from thickened stratum corneum (the horny layer) and is constantly being shed.
The visible part of the nail and is made up of hundreds of layers
Nail Plate
The living part of the nail structure and is an extension of the stratum germinativum sometimes referred to as the root of the nail. It lies underneath the nail fold or mantle
These are folds of skin that help to cushion the nail from external damage and keep the nail in place
Nail walls
How long does it take fingernails to grow from the matrix to the free edge?
6-9 months