L2. Global Water Resources Flashcards
What does hydrology mean?
hydro: water
logy: study of
Why is water important for human life?
drinking, food, hygiene, transportation, power, waste disposal, health, biodiversity, recreation, feedback on climate, etc.
Why is water a unique compound?
- low melting point
- low boiling point
- high heat capacity
- denser as liquid than a solid
- near universal solvent
What is the importance of water to the planet?
- Plays a huge role in all life. It is a major constituent of all living organisms, and part of the process of photosynthesis.
- Part of energy balance and heat transport.
How much water in river flow per year?
45,500 cubic km. This river flow is constantly renewed
How much water do humans use per year?
3,600 cubic km. We have enough water, just not always in the right place and at the right time.
What are water withdrawals?
Refers to water that is taken from surface water (rivers, lakes) and groundwater sources
What are the 4 main water use sectors?
Agriculture, Industry, Households, other
Which direction is global water use trending?
During the last 50 years water use worldwide has grown fourfold, mostly due to population increase and higher income (more consumption).