L2 Flashcards
Inflammatory Phases ?2
Two overlapping phases of inflammation occur
simultaneously explain the cardinal signs:
A. Vascular changes: (dilatation, permeability
and slow blood flow)
B. Cellular changes: influx of cells and their exit
from vessels into interstitial tissue
List the cellular events in acute inflammation? 5
- Leukocyte margination & rolling
- Leukocyte Adhesion
- Transmigration
- Chemotaxis
- Phagocytosis & degradation
- Margination ?
The reasons for loss of the normal axial stream.
The normal axial stream: The blood cells in the center
and plasma in the margin.
The reason for loss of the normal axial stream: ?3
- Stasis (slowing down) of circulation due to vasodilation of the blood vessels.
2.loss of the negative charges on the surface of the leukocyte. - RBCs stick to each other (small cluster) displacing leukocyte (WBCs) to the periphery near the endothelial cells margination of leukocyte.
RBCs stick to each other
cellular events in acute infulmmation, cont.1-Rolling
WBCs roll over the endothelium, during this process activation of both WBCs and endothelial cells which adhere loosely& transiently by cell surface adhesion molecules
adhesion molecules ?
e.g. selectin (CD62), which includes:
* E-selectin: located in Endothelial cells.
* P-selectin: located in Platelet & endothelial cells.
*L-selectin: located in Leukocytes.
How local process of rolling happend?
When endothelium (injured or activated) by chemical mediators
like histamine& thormbin, selectins will be up-regulated on that site only, leading to local process of rolling
Selectins [CD62]?
• The weak and transient adhesions involved in rolling are mediated by the selectin family of adhesion molecules.
• Selectins are receptors expressed on leukocytes and endothelium.
Integrins [ICAM1]?
-Transmembrane glycoproteins
-Receptors expressed on leukocyte (Integrins), ligand on endothelial
Firm & stable attachment of leukocytes to endothelial cells at sites of inflammation.(adhesion)
cellular events in acute infulmmation, 3.Transmigration / Emigration (diapedesis).
➢ leukocytes start to migrate outside the blood vessels by squeezing between endothelial cells at intercellular junction.
➢ Activated WBCs assume amoeboid shape and amoeboid movement , then crawl over the endothelial lining till reaching the intercellular junction, pierce the basement membrane by secreting collagenase enzyme that degrades basement membrane and tissue.
Platelet-Endothelial Cells Adhesion Molecule-1
What its do?
[PECAM1 – CD31] control the binding events that are needed for transmigration.
Timing of Inflammatory Cells?
➢ Neutrophils predominate in the inflammatory infiltrate during the first 24 hours and are replaced by monocytes after 24 hours.
➢ Monocytes in tissue are called macrophages.
Type of migrating inflammatory cells is depends on ?
Type and age of the inflammation :
Neutrophils: in acute inflammation esp. in first 24h
Monocytes :in chronic inflammation and after 24h
Why neutrophil is the prominent type of WBCs in ACUTE inflammation?
-The commonest type of WBCs in the blood.
-Response quickly.
-Adherent firmly.
-Live for short period & die by apoptosis within 24-48 hours