L1a Flashcards
Crown definition:
- An artificial replacement that restores missing tooth structure by surrounding part or all of the remaining structure with a material such as cast metal, porcelain, or a combination of materials such as metal and porcelain
Indications for crowns:
- Protection of the remaining tooth structure (teeth can be sufficiently weakened through extensive caries, large restorations, extensive wear, endodontic treatment, presence of cracks)
- Alteration of Aesthetics
- Alteration of crown form to facilitate the construction of removable partial dentures (act as abutments)
- To alter the occlusal plane
Types of crown:
- All Ceramic Crown
- Ceramo-metal Crown
- Full gold crown
- Partial Coverage crown
- Zirconia crown (monolithic)
Most commonly used material:
- Lithium Disilicate (E-max)
Advantages and disadvantages of All ceramic crown:
- Excellent Aesthetics
- Preservation of tooth structure in some areas
- Increased destruction of tooth structure in some areas
- Longevity?
- Moderate strength
- Abrasive to opposing teeth
advantages and disadvantages of Ceramo-metal crown:
- Good Aesthetics
- Longevity
- Preservation of tooth structure in some areas
- Increase destruction of tooth structure in some areas
advantages and disadvantages of Full Gold Crown:
- Control and stability of occlusion (kind to opposing teeth)
- Longevity
- Maximal preservation of tooth structure
- Poor aesthetics
- Can be expensive these days
advantages and disadvantages of partial coverage:
- Good aesthetics
- Longevity
- Preservation of tooth structure
- Complicated to prepare and to manufacture
- Moderate aesthetics – depending on material and color match
Advantages and disadvantages of monolithic zirconia crown:
- Very good aesthetics
- Control and stability of occlusion (fairly kind to opposing teeth)
- Durable (high fracture resistance)
- Near maximal preservation of tooth structure
- No true bonding (issue with longevity)
- Can be layered with porcelain but this leads to increased destruction of tooth structure
phases of crown construction in the digital way:
- Tooth preparation
- Digital Impression
- Design of prosthesis (crown) on software
- Milling
- Polishing and finishing
phases of crown construction in the conventional way:
- Toothpreparation
- Impression
- Construction of master cast and die
- Manufactureofwaxpattern
- Investmentofwaxpattern
- Porcelain application
- Polishing and Finishing

Principles of crown preparation:
- Resistance form
- Retention form
- Marginal Integrity
- Preservation of the periodontium
- Structural durability
- Conservation of tooth tissue
- Aesthetics
case assessment:
*You need to carry a full and thorough case assessment before proceeding to the crown preparation
- Caries risk Assessment
- Periodontal Assessment
- Occlusal examination
- Sensibility testing (response to EPT, Endofrost, Palpation testing, mobility)
- Periapical radiograph (x-ray image)
- Assess core (tooth structure)
- Diagnostic wax up (if indicated)
- Make sure you have a treatment plan
steps of crown preparation:
- Take shade of crown (if you will prepare for porcelain or zirconia)
- Take two or three putty indices
- Use local anesthetic if required
- Prepare the tooth appropriately (use indices as guides)
- Construction of temporary crown
- Placement of retraction cord with haemostatic agent
- Take impression
- Place temporary crown
- Check occlusion and adjust if needed
- Complete records and laboratory card
steps of crown cementation:
- Check your lab work–check fit of crown on die, check shade
- Remove temporary restoration
- Clean the underlying prepared tooth
- Try in the restoration
- Check marginal fit(withprobe), contact points and occlusion
- Check patient is happy with fit and appearance
- Remove crown and clean both crown fit surface and fit surface of tooth. If
- Indicated sandblast with Aluminium oxide 50μm
- Cement with appropriate cement. Check and remove any excess cement. Also recheck occlusion