L19 - Overview of central sensory and motor pathways - WIP Flashcards
Which direction are the tracts in which somatic efferents are carried by?
Somatic efferents are carried by descending tracts
Which direction are the tracts in which somatic afferents are carried by?
Somatic afferents are carried by ascending tracts
What is the name of the anatomical landmarks that separates the motor from the sensory brain?
Central sulcus - a distinctive narrow strip of depression in brain tissue
After sensory information has been processed in the spinal cord, what is the movement to the cerebral cortex afterwards?
Spinal cord (dorsal horn) --> medulla --> thalamus --> cerebral cortex (carried through ascending tracts)
Where is the primary sensory cortex?
The post-central gyrus of the cortex
What are the 2 categories of sensation that sensory signals give rise to?
- Conscious sensation
- Pain
- Temp
- Crude touch
- arouses awareness - Non-conscious sensation
- Tactile sensation
- Pain
- Muscle length
- Tension
- Joint position
What is the primary (somato)sensory cortex responsible for?
- Processing somatic sensations; these sensations arise from receptors positioned throughout body
What are ascending tracts?
Fibre tracts of the sensory system by which sensory info is conveyed to the brain (cerebral cortex) from the peripheral nerves
Where are the different positions which the ascending tracts can be found?
- Dorsal column (DC)
- Lateral column - Lateral spinothalamic tract (LSTT)
- Dorsal spinocerebellar tract (DST)
What happens to the primary sensory neurone once it reaches the spinal cord?
On reaching spinal cord, a primary sensory neurone then divides
- 1 axonal process terminates in the dorsal horn of its respective spinal segment
- Another axonal process is sent to the dorsal horn of the spinal segment above
- Another axonal process is sent to the dorsal horn of the spinal segment below
Which tract does the axonal segments travel in during the first stage of spinal sensation?
The axonal segments travelling to the spinal segments above and below travel in the POSTEROLATERAL TRACT OF LISSAUER
What happens in the first stage of spinal sensation?
The first sensory neurone carries signals to the grey matter of the dorsal horn where it terminates
What happens in the second stage of spinal sensation?
A 2nd order sensory neurone picks up the sensory signal before crossing the midline to travel in the spinal cord of the opposite side, where it ascends until it reaches the thalamus and where it terminates
What happens in the third stage of spinal sensation?
Axons of 3rd order sensory neurones of the ventral posterolateral ascend further to terminate in the post-central gyrus of the cerebral cortex
Where is sensory info from the right side of the body represented?
Sensory info from the right side of the body is represented and perceived by the left brain
- Sensory function is decussated