L19 - Obstructive Lung Diseases (COPD and Asthma) Flashcards
Prevelance of COPD now and in 2020
Ranking of COPD in terms of cause of death now and in 2020
World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 COPD will rise from its current ranking as the 12th most prevalent disease worldwide to the 5th; and from the 6th most common cause of death to the 3rd
COPD mortality is highest where worldwide?
In developing countries and asia
• Not only do to smoking, but also biomass fuels (indoor airpollution - common to indoor cooking)
Which is false regarding asthma effects in US society
A. 1 patients die of asthma every day
A. 39.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma in their lifetime.
A. 13.2 million Americans had an asthma attack in 2011.
A. Economic cost from 2002 to 07 was $56.0 Billion dollars
A. 10
Demographics of asthma
more common in women and in blacks. About equal prevalence in kids and adults
Overall prevalence is rising
COPD or Asthma? • Increasing prevalence • Affects only adults • Increase mortality • High Health Care Cost
COPD or Asthma? • Increasing prevalence • Affects both children and adults • Decrease mortality • High Health Care Cost
Describe fatal asthma
- People who die from asthma have abnormal lungs with mucus plugs (corks in the airway) - prevent air from getting into the lung
- Inhaled steroids prevent development of inflammation, which prevents development of mucus plugs
- The mucus plugs cause mortality in asthma
General asthma (not fatal) have normal looking lungs
• Clinical diagnosis defined by the presence of chronic productive cough for three months in each of two successive years in a patient in whom other causes of chronic cough have been excluded
• Chronic bronchitis:
• Emphysema:
Is a pathological term describing the abnormal permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, accompanied by destruction of their walls without “obvious fibrosis”.
Which is false about the pathologic features of asthmatic airways? A. goblet cell hypoplasia B. increased blood vessel numbers C. Smooth muscle hyperplasia D. Subepithelial fibrosis E. mucus gland hypertrophy F. reduced airway lumen area
A. Hyperplasia
Why is bronchial Wall Thickness important
• The degree of smooth muscle shortening required to produce airway closure is less in asthma patients than non-asthma patients (p
Which of the following does not increase to cause emphysema? A. neutrophil elastase B. alpha1-antitrypsin C. Cathepsins D. Matrix metalloproteinases (1,2,9,12)
B. This decreases
Which of the following does not decrease to cause emphysema?
A. Secretory leukoprotease inhibitor
B. elafin
C. Proteinase 3
D. Tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases
C. decreases
Describe the pathway of inflammatory mediators in asthma
Airway cell –> mediator –> physiological response
What is the diagnosis?
considered in current or former smokers (or in never smokers with other risk factors (noxious gases, ambient pollution and chronic respiratory infections)) who present with cough, sputum production, or dyspnea, with spirometric evidence of irreversible airflow obstruction
What is the diagnosis?
heterogeneous disease, usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It is defined by the history of respiratory symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough that vary over time and in intensity, together with variable expiratory airflow limitation.
Which is not a consequence of acute inflammation in asthma?
A. Altered airway physiology (inc airway hyperresponsiveness, inc airflow obstruction)
B. Acute inflammation
C. Resolution
B. Chronic inflammation
Does airway remodeling occur in mild asthma?
COPD or Asthma?
A. sensitizing agent
B. airway inflammation with CD4 (+) T lymphocytes; eosinophils
C. reversible airflow limitation
D. younger, less likely to be smokers, intermittently symptomatic
COPD or Asthma?
A. noxious agent
B. airway inflammation (CD8+ T lymphocytes, macrophages/neutrophils)
C. airflow limitation irreversible
D. older, smokers, persistent, dyspnea, less responsive to inhalers
What is the spirometry value of COPD patients?
FEV1/FVC ration