L18 Innervation of the Eye Flashcards
What are the 3 types of nerves?
Sensory, motor, autonomic
What are cranial nerves?
Nerves that originate in thebrain, and innervate the head, neck, and upper trunk
Nuclei in the brain stem
12 pairs of nerves from 1-12
Which CN are important for vision?
CN2-7 (6 pairs)
List the names for each cranial nerve important for vision?
2 - optic nerve
3 - oculomotor nerve
4 - trochlear
5 - trigeminal
6 - Abducent
7 - Facial
Where does the ophthalmic branch (of CNV) innervate/branch out to?
Eye (pretty much all components) –> lacrimal glands, ends outside orbit, conjunctiva, mucous membrane of nasal cavity, skin of eyelids, eyebrows, forehead, and nose
Where do all the nerves enter the orbital area from?
Sphenoid bone through the superior or inferior fissure, then through the Annulus of Zinn. While, some nerves pass through the fissures but not the Annulus of Zinn
What is the significance of nerves that are above the ring (Annulus of Zinn)?
Free to move
What is the significance of nerves that pass through the ring (Annulus of Zinn)?
Cannot move around
What happens when there is inflammation in the area of Annulus of Zinn?
Compression of structures within it –> compression of optic nerve –> impair vision
Which nerves branch off from the trigeminal nerve (CNV)?
NVa - ophthalmic
NVb - maxillary
NVc - mandibular
Which nerves branch off NVa ophthalmic branch?
Lacrimal, nasociliary, frontal
Some nerves pass through near the walls of the Cavernous sinus of sphenoid bone, and some through the middle. Which nerves pass through where?
Walls: 3,4,5
Middle: 6 and internal carotid artery
Which nerves in the carvernous sinus are more likely to be damaged?
Nerves located closer to the sphenoid bones (in the cavernous sinus) are more likely to be damaged.
Thus, those near the walls - 3,4,5
What is the order of nerves in the orbit from top to bottom?
Lacrimal (NVa) > frontal (NVa) > trochlear (NIV) > Sup III > nasociliary> inf III > abducent (NVI).
Which nerves are above the ring?
Lacrimal, frontal, trochlear