L17: Physiotherapy in Intensive Care I Flashcards
What are 7 reasons for admission to intensive care?
- Failure of one or more organs
- Need for one-on-one nursing
- Post major surgery or major risk factors
- Postoperative respiratory failure
- Medical respiratory failure eg pneumonia
- Weakness of respiratory muscles eg Guillian Barre syndrome
- Major injuries
- Multi-trauma/chest trauma/spinal injuries, head injury
What are 10 subspecialties of Intensive Care (ICU)?
- Surgical
- Medical
- Neurological/Neurosurgical
- Cardiac/Cardiothoracic
- Endocrinological
- Oncology/Haematology
- Burns
- Obstetric
- Spinal
- Dermatological
What are 3 reasons (3/1/3) why physiotherapy required in ICU?
- Pulmonary complications
- Intubation, mechanical ventilation, immobilization predispose to
- Atelectasis
- secretion retention
- weakness of respiratory muscles
- Intubation, mechanical ventilation, immobilization predispose to
- Circulatory complications
- eg venous stasis
- Musculoskeletal & neurological complications
- disuse atrophy, loss of muscle mass
- contractures, increased tone
- critical care neuropathy
What are the ICU attachments?
What are the 4 characteristics of patient chart in ICU?
- Presenting condition (What have they come in with)
- Co-morbidities
- Surgical details
- Investigations (CXR)
What are the 6 characteristics of physical examination in ICU?
- Chest shape
- Colour
- Pain
- Diaphoresis ie sweating
- Palpate
- Auscultation
- R =L + post Rx
What are 3 sources of information for ICU?
- Patient Chart
- Presenting condition
- Co-morbidities
- Surgical details
- Investigations (CXR)
- Physical examination
- Chest shape
- Colour
- Pain
- Diaphoresis ie sweating
- Palpate
- Auscultation
- R =L + post Rx
- Subjective
What are 3 differences in assessment in ICU?
- Flow sheet
- Paper or computer
- Important to see pattern of changes over last few days/hours
- Respiratory
- Haemodynamic
- Neurological
- Medication
What are 8 characteristics of communication with staff in ICU?
- Conscious state/sedation
- Tolerance of procedures
- Stability
- Movement orders eg RIB, log roll (worried about spine)
- Changes in ventilation
- Changes in medical management
- Analgesia
- When is it convenient for me to see the patient?
- If it isn’t, when is it convenient for you/me to come back?
What are the 7 characeristics of monitor in assessment?
- Will show what is happening now
- ECG trace
- Invasive blood pressure
- Oxygen saturation
- Central venous pressure
- Respiratory rate
- ± ICP, Cardiac output
What are the 5 common types of medication in ICU?
- Sedation
- Propofol, Midazolam
- Often mixed with pain relief
- Pain relief
- Morphine, Fentanyl
- Bronchodilators
- Ventolin, Theophylline
- Cardiac anti-arrythmic agents
- Amiodarone
- Inotropes/Vasopressors
- Noradrenaline, Adrenaline, Dopamine,
- Low blood pressure (protect brain and kidneys) –> vasoconstriction
- Septic shock
What are 5 respiratory assessments in ICU? What are 11 parameters in ventilation?
- Ventilation –
- MODE – spontaneous? SIMV? PVC?
- Oxygen percentage – FiO2
- Humidified ?
- Respiratory rate – self/ventilator
- Tidal volume self/ventilator
- PEEP, Pressure support,
- Flow-by
- I:E ratio
- Airway pressures (PIP)
- End tidal CO2
- Length of time on weaning?
- Arterial blood gases
- Oxygen saturations (SpO2)
- Sputum – amount, colour, tenacity
- Palpation, auscultation
What are the 5 neurological assessment in ICU?
- Glasgow coma scale
- Score of /15
- Sedation score – eg RASS
- -5 to +5
- +5: highly agitated
- 0: neutral
- -5: heavily sedated
- Aim for -1
- Pupil size and reactivity
- ± Intracranial pressure*
- ± Cerebral perfusion pressure*
* NB only monitored in head injuries, intracerebral bleeds
What is pupil size & reactivity in neurological assessment in ICU?
What are 5 common techniques of intracranial pressure monitoring in neurological assessment in ICU?
What exam parameters would you use for this patient? (need to be specific to the case)
What are 6 other systems in ICU?
- Orthopaedic
- Haematological
- Egg. Bone marrow transfusion Platelets can be low –> avoid vigorous treatmemts (heavy percussions or heavy suction)
- Gastrointestinal
- Renal
- Musculoskeletal
- Psychological
What are 6 haemodynamic assessments in ICU?
- Arterial blood pressure
- Invasive
- Non=invasive
- Heart rate
- ECG – rhythm
- Central venous pressure
- Fluid balance
- ± Cardiac output, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure