L14 - The Neo-Classical Model of Growth (Solow-Swan Model) Flashcards
What was concluded on growth in 1952?
Moses Abramowitz concluded little progress made since classical period
Why did progress drastically in the post war years?
- the theoretical stimulus of Keynesian economics
- the western world embarked on a period of sustained growth
- economists increased knowledge of mathematics
What is the National Accounting Definitions?
Total Output (Q) consists of consumption goods (C) and capital goods (I) so: Q = C + I
National Income (Y) earned from productive activity is either spent on consumption goods (C) or saved (S) so: Y = C + I
In equilibrium Y=Q and thus S=I
What is the Production Function?
Y is output, K is stock of capital and N is supply of labour
What does the Production Function define?
The technology that translate inputs into outputs
What is the Constant Returns to Scale denoted as?
If all inputs are doubled output doubles
zY=F(zK, zN)
Z can be any positive number
i.e K and N are both increased by 5% z=1.05 and Y also rises by 5%
If z =1/N then the production function becomes: Y/N=F(K/N, 1) This says that output per worker increases as capital per worker increases, which can be written more easily as y=f(k)
What does the Neoclassical Model focus on?
Focus on the role of Capital specifically diminishing marginal product of capital
What is the MPK (Marginal Capital of Capital)?
As more capital is employed for given labour force MPK eventually decline
Production function is non-linear and becomes flatter as more of the variable input in added
What is Savings denoted as?
S= sY
-s is the average (and marginal) propensity to save and 0
What is Savings per Capita denoted as?
S/N=s(Y/N)= sy = sf(k)
Says that savings per worker will be fixed proportion of output per worker
What is Investment denoted as?
I= ∆K+dK
∆K is new investment
dK is depreciation
What are the 2 factors of considering how much investment is needed to keep K/N constant?
- Rate of Depreciation (d)
- Rate of Growth of the
Labour (n)
If capital depreciates at rate d per period then investment per head must be d x k to stop the K/N from falling
If labour grows at rate n per period, then an additional investment of n x k will be needed to keep K/N constant
What is the required investment needed to keep K/N (Capital/Labour Ratio) constant
What is the Long-Run Equilibrium condition for the required investment needed to keep K/N constant?
Δk= i – (d+n)k = 0
What is the equilibrium growth relation?
Sf is savings function of ….
What does the Equilibrium growth relation state?
Where savings and investment are equal. It says that output, capital and labour all grow at rate n as illustrated below.
Done since in equilibrium S=I
(See diagram)
What shifts the equilibrium growth relation?
- Rise in savings rate
- Technical progress: improvement in knowledge that enables a higher output to be produced from existing resources
(See Diagram)
What is the average labour productivity?
What is growth dependant on Neo-Classical model?
- On technical progress – which raises the productivity
- A rise in the savings rate will only lead to a temporary rise in the growth rate as the K/N ratio rises to the new equilibrium – where production is more capital intensive. Once this level is reached the economy grows at rate n, as before
- The model suggests convergence in Y/N over time with poor countries (or regions) growing faster than rich countries (or regions)
What does △Y/Y = △A/A + (1-α) △N/N say?
Where: α is capital share, (1-α) is labour’s share.
This says that the growth of the economy depends upon:
- the rate of technical progress
- the rate of growth of the capital stock weighted by the share of capital in income
- the rate of growth of the labour force weighted by the share of labour in total income
What is the Total Factor Productivity?
△A/A = △Y/Y - α△K/K - (1-α)△N/N
-ΔA/A as total factor productivity
All growth not accounted for by labour and capital, such as entrepreneurship, or the legal environment