L14 C grammar Flashcards
Kakav auto imaš?
What kind of car do you have?
Kakve filmove oni vole?
What kind of movies do they like?
Kakav čovek!
What a man!
Kakva je ovo zemlja!
What kind of a country is this!
Idem u Beograd na nedelju dana.
I am going to Belgrade for a week.
Bio sam u Londonu pre mesec dana.
I was in London a month ago.
Čitam tu knjigu već godinu dana.
I have been reading that book for a year.
Baš sada sam pročitala taj roman.
I have just read that novel.
On je baš slatko dete.
He is a really sweet child.
Dajte nam, molim vas, još jednu kafu.
Bring us, please, another coffee.
Ni ja ne volim da ih gledam.
I don’t like to watch them either.
Ne volim ni njega ni nju.
I like neither him nor her.
Ja ću piti ili sok ili koka-kolu.
I’ll drink either fruit juice or a coke.
Ja volim da čitam i romane i poeziju.
I like reading both novels and poetry.