L13 B grammar Flashcards
vesna je videla roberta
vesna saw robert
dok se spremam
while i get ready
i on me čeka
he waits for me
juče sam probudila u pola devet
yesterday i woke up at 8:30
dala mi ga je
she gave it to me
kasnije sam joj ga vratila
later I returned it to her
budilnik zvoni u šest sati i budi me
the alarm clock rings at 6 o’clock and wakes me
juče sam se probudila u pola devet
yesterday i woke up at 8:30
završavamo posao u tri
we finish work at three o’clock
predavanje se završilo u četiri
the lecture finish at four o’clock
spremam se u kuhinji
I get ready in the kitchen
vratila sam joj udžbenik
i returned the textbook to her
vratila sam se kući
i returned home
oni igraju futbal
they are playing football
oni se igraju
they are playing
nalaziti, naći
to find
dogovorila sam se sa drugaricama da se nadjemo u poslastičarnici
I arranged with my friends that we meet up in the cake shop
katedra za anglistiku se nalazi na drugom spratu
the english department is situated on the second floor
spremam esej o šekspiru
i am preparing a essay on shakesqeare