L13- Crystallisation Flashcards
Taking supersaturated material and forming solids/crystals
Saturated solution
Solution in thermodynamic equilibrium with solid phase at given temp
Solution containing more dissolved solute than at equilibrium
Degree of supersaturation, Delta c
Delta c = c-c*
c = actual supersaturated concentration
c* = equilibrium concentration
Supersaturation ratio, S
S = c/c*
Relative supersaturation, phi
phi = delta c/c* = S-1
Crystallisation driving force
Supersaturation is the driving force for crystallisation;
fundamentally is the difference in chemical potential
Solubility-supersolubility diagram: width of metastable zone
delta c = (dc/dT)delta T
Solubility-supersolubility diagram: zones & factors affecting
Stable: no crystals readily form
Metastable: crystals do not form spontaneously but existing crystals would grown
Labile: crystals form since conc. above max show in supersolubility line
Depends on agitation, impurities and how got supersaturated
Solubility-supersolubility diagram: Moving from stable to labile (crystal growth)
Constant temp: saturate at metastable boundary, crystals form spontaneously at labile boundary
Cooling: saturate at metastable boundary, crystals form spontaneously at labile boundary
Creation of crystals within supersaturated liquor
Nucleation types
Primary: nucleation in absence of existing crystals
Homogeneous if only solute involved; heterogeneous when other substances involved or present
Secondary: nucleation in presence of existing crystals- nucleates more readily, i.e. lower supersaturation
Crystal growth kinetic stages
Diffusional stage: solute transported from bulk through solution boundary layer adjacent to crystal surface
Deposition stage: adsorbed solute deposited and integrated into crystal lattice
Overall mass deposition rate, RG
RG = KG(delta c^s) = [(6ap)/B](dr/dt) = [(6ap*u’)/B]
where particle mass, m = ap(d^3)
surface area, A = B*(d^2)
KG - overall crystal growth coefficient
s = constant between 1-2
u’ = mean linear velocity (dr/dt, m/s)
For spheres 6a/B = 1; octahedra 6a/B = 0.816
Crystal yield basis
estimated from conc. of initial solution and solubility at final temp, allowing for evaporation