L13 - Absorption Addiction Model Flashcards
What is an I ndividual’s fascination with a media personality like?
Escalated to delusion of a real life relationship
PSRs fulfil what in life?
Deficiencies in life
E.g. feel unsuccessful so absorb some of celebrity’s success
Describe absorption
Seeking fulfilment in celebrity worship motivates the person to focus a lot on celebrity’s existence
Absorption leads to
Identifying with the celebrity
Describe addicition
Feeling the need to sustain commitment by having a stronger involvement with the celebrity
3 stages that the absorption addiction model progresses through
Entertainment- social
Addiction can lead to
Delusional and illegal behaviours (B-P)
Absorption addiction usually involves what?
Celeb Worship Syndrome
What’s CWS
Fascination with lives of rich and famous which may become addictive and less to an obsession
+ related to PSRs acting as a model
Reduces uncertainty about social relationships
Found by research exposing people to same characters in soap operas
- related to description
Describes characteristics doesn’t explain them
Unlike attachment theory which does
- related to methodolog
Usually use students so only can only be generalise to teenagers
Use questionnaires
Try to find correlation
Study found that many fans
Stay at the entertainment-social level due loneliness or life event
These can cause reaching to I-P
Study found what about those that reach B-P
Have poor mental health
Study found stalking tendency correlates
With degree of attachment
Study found what about insecurely attached people
They condoned obsessive behaviours like stalking
Study found most fans do what
Stay at the harmless ES level
Study found what about loneliness/life event
This may push people to move to next level of progression
+ of study related to personality traits
Those who worship celebs and progress through model and stages have certain characteristics (loneliness, shyness) supporting importance personality traits
+ related to similarity
People in PSRs are emotionally involved just like in real life, so PSRs resemble, and fulfil social needs like, them
- of study related to reductionism
States that only certain factors determine engagement in celebrity worship
Different motivational factors