L13 Flashcards
where does volunteering sit within the sectors
between public and voluntary
4 types if volunteer (loosely grouped)
voluntary sport organisation (VSO)
event volunteers
sport for development organisation volunteers
emergency services,
what is the peak age for volunteers
which gender does more volunteering
more male coaches and referees, more women ‘parent helpers’
equal gener split on administrative roles
what % of adults participate as coach, administrative or officla
limitations of adult volunteer research?
10 years old
doesnt account for silent volunteers
focus on mainstream sport not casual participation
doesnt break down the relationship beyween pacific people volunteering in sport and other areas.
details of a VSO
participate on a regular basis
in club, rehional and nattional sport org
st johns ambulance, landSAR, coast guard NZ
international org influences on VSO volunteer management
org strats.- purpose, stakeholders, priorities, treaty engagment
org culture - attitude, values, power and physical environment.
external org influences on VSO
government initiatives - community and school sport, everybody active and HPSNZ
legal directives - inclusion of volunteers: health and safety.
event volunteers in public
city councils government
event volunteers in commercial
commerical provision and tourism; pro sport
event volunteers in volunteer
volunteer provision (club regional and national sport org)
event volunteer motivation (cuskelly)
1-4 most to least importance
1. purposive: of use to the community
2. solidary motivation: social interaction group identification; networking
3. extrinsic (outward) motivations
4. expectations form others
event volunteer motivation (ralston)
uniqueness of the event
event volunteer satisfaction (elstad)
oppurtunity to expand personal network.
level of communication between staff anf volunteers: volunteers and volunteers
recognition of effort
feedback on performance