L12 - Visual Processing: Object Representations and Neuropsychological Disorders Flashcards
Object representations in LOC
What is the fMRI adaptation paradigm?
- An imaging paradigm pioneered by Malach, Grill-Spector and colleagues
- Gets around some of the limitations in spatial resolution of fMRI - already has good spatial resolution but still contains thousands of neurons in closest
- Allows us to discern if in a particular area there are neural populations with different response properties vs a homogeneous neuronal population
- A way of probing the nature of the object representations in a particular area (as there is a cluster of neurons in that space)
- Are the invariant with respect to size, location, orientation, etc?
- Gets around some of the limitations in spatial resolution of fMRI - already has good spatial resolution but still contains thousands of neurons in closest
- BOLD response decreases when a stimulus is repeatedly
- approximates neural adaptation – repeated firing “tires” or “sharpens” the neurons
- Perhaps neurons are becoming more efficient so response is not as intense when you repeat the stimuli
- Measures neural activity indirectly quite well
- If you adapt, then change some aspect of the stimulus (e.g. size, orientation, etc) and you see recovery from adaptation, this implies = new population of neurons is responding to this new attribute
- If there is no recovery from adaptation, this implies that the same (adapted) neural population responds irrespective of change in size, orientation, etc
- approximates neural adaptation – repeated firing “tires” or “sharpens” the neurons
e.g. showing stimulus
- Homogenous population (right hand-side) which are size-invariant - fMRI response will remain at that adapted level
- Neurons on the left - more finely tuned, the green neurons - fresh response dependent on size of stimulus
Object representations in LOC
What did they find with activity invariant neurons with object representation in the LOC?
Invariant in …
- Size
- Position in VF
- Image format (grayscale pic vs line drawing, shape defined by motion, luminance, stereo cues)
- Visual or tactile input - not much recovery from adaptation
- But more sensitive to viewpoint and illumination - could be a very different shape reaching the brain
LOC = high-level object shape representation
- Not as bothered about lower level surfaces
LO and LOtv
How is LO different to VOT in response profile?
(LO) Lateral division
- More sensitive to changes in location and size than VOT
- More sensitive to 2D shape features - e.g. a line drawing
- A sub-region called LOtv (Lateral Occipital Tactile Visual area) is activated equally by visual and haptic input (Amedi et al, 2002) , not much recovery from adaptation
- LO codes the geometry of the shape
- Visual-tactile area LOtv activated by both seen and palpated objects, but not by characteristic sounds of objects (e.g. a telephone ring)
- No green activation in LOtv
- LOtv also activated by soundscapes or auditory “shapes” (Amedi et al., 2007)
- 3 dimensions
- Sound frequency
- Time (left/right)
- Brightness conveyed by loudness
- Soundscape = carries information about the shape you are looking at
LO and LOtv
What was Amedi et al. study on how to use sound device to perceive soundscapes?
- 2 blind and 5 sighted subjects trained to use vOICe to recognise objects
- 5 subjects with no vOICe training were taught to simply associate objects with soundscapes
- After vOICe training, LOtv was activated by vOICe objects, compared to scrambled vOICe sounds or other object-specific sounds (e.g. telephone ring)
- LOtv was not activated by vOICe objects in the subjects with no vOICe training
- LOtv - Very sensitive to the geometry of the shape
- LOtv is a multimodal shape area
VOT (Ventral division)
What is the profile of VOT?
- More invariant to changes in location and size than LO
- Less recovery from adaptation when change surface contours - generalises more between photographs and line drawings
- Sensitive to perceived 3D shape (despite different 2D contours)
- Not activated by haptic input
- Correlates with recognition performance
- Codes a more abstract identity representation and mediates awareness whereas Lotv more about geometry of the shapes
Disorders of Object Processing
What is agnosia?
“not knowing” or “loss of knowledge”
What is visual agnosia?
- A failure to make sense of visual information to know what it represents
- Person is not blind, elementary visual function is intact (e.g. normal contrast sensitivity)
- Can recognise things from other modalities
What are the different classifications of visual organisations? (Lissauer (1890))
- Apperceptive
- Recognition deficits linked to problems in perceptual processing
- Associative
- Patient can derive a normal visual representations but cannot link them to information stored in memory
- A normal percept stripped of its meaning
- Patient can derive a normal visual representations but cannot link them to information stored in memory
What might be examples of what will occur in apperceptive agnosias?
What is visual form agnosia?
- very severe form, caused by widespread bilateral damage to the occipital lobes (usually from CO poisoning) or head injury
- cannot discriminate even simple shapes (e.g. square from a triangle), cannot copy drawings, cannot read, cannot recognise faces
- Lower level might be in tact
What is an example case of visual form agnosia?
Case DF - Milner et al., 1991
DF’s lesion on a rendered surface of the brain, compared to the location of LOC in normal subjects. - Damage LOC - get this form of agnosia
What are associative agnosias?
- Failures of recognition that cannot be attributed to faulty perception
- Patients can copy drawings, discriminate shapes, segment images
- Cannot identify objects
- Due to disconnection between intact perceptual input and memory? (peripheral deficit)
- Or loss of stored object representations? (central deficit)
What different stimuli do associative agnosia target?
- Visual object agnosia – inability to recognise objects
- Prosopagnosia – inability to recognise faces
- Alexia – inability to recognise words - associated with lesions in left-hemisphere
- Topographical agnosia – inability to recognise familiar environments and landmarks
- Lesions causing associative agnosias tend to be in the occipital and temporal regions (vOT?) – generally bilateral
- Objects (and especially words) more in the left hemisphere
- Faces more in the right hemisphere (right Fusiform Gyrus)
What are simple dissociations?
- Patient can do A but not B
- Could conclude that A and B tap into different (and independent) processes
- BUT this could be due to a difference in task difficulty!
What are double dissociations?
- One patient can do A but not B
- A different patient can do B but not A
- Much more powerful evidence that A and B are independent
What are the differences between cognitive neuroscience vs cognitive neuropsychology?
- Cognitive neuroscience aims to understand the relationship between mind and brain
- What are the neural substrates of cognitive processes?
- Cognitive neuropsychology aims to understand the architecture of the normal cognitive system
- Studying patients with brain damage is a convenient way of “carving the system at its joints”
- Actual brain substrates are of no particular interest