L.11 TRAUMA Flashcards
Where do ORAL injuries rank on the most common injuries of the body ages 0-6?
2nd! behind facial injury
Where do ORAL injuries rank on the most common injuries of the body ages 0-6?
2nd! behind facial injury
When do most oral injuries occur?
at night and on the weekends
What fraction of oral injuries are considered serious threats to quality of life?
Who gets oral injury more? Girls or Boys?
Boys 3:2, but its catching up to 1:1..YAY EQUALITY!
What is the best predictor of future trauma?
previous drama lol.
What years of life are the most common for dental injury?
2-3 years of age
Permanent vs Primary dentition- what is the most common type of injury in each?
perm: fractures…primary: luxation (short crown,less calcified bone,thin cortical plates)
50% of child abuse victims are less than __ years old and 30-___% of their injuries are head and neck..
Medical Hx aspects of trauma: Cardiac disease, Bleeding disorders, Seizure disorders, Allergies, Medications, Illnesses,WHAT ARE THE LAST TWO odd balls??
When was their Last Meal? and… Immunizations: tetanus**
Assessing the Cranial Nerves: II
Optic-check their visual acuity
Assessing the Cranial Nerves: III
Oculomotor- Pupil Constriciton (BIGGEST ONE!!-concussion often has very different and noticeable pupils)…Ptosis (drooping eyelid)
Assessing the Cranial Nerves: IV
Trochlear..Diplopia (double vision)
Assessing the Cranial Nerves: VI
Abducens…follow finger side to side
Assessing the Cranial Nerves: VII
Facial-close eyes, smile, frown
What is the acronym used to check: Pupils Equal, Round, Responsive to Light and Accommodation
What two Cranial Nerves does PERRLA check for?
What Glasgow Coma Scale score should be evaluated medically? What is a severe score?
below 15 = med eval…less than 8 is severe
How many radiographs do we need for trauma?
3..1) PA at 90 degrees 2.PA from M or D 3.Occlusal view
How long can you defer x-rays?
2-3 days
What % of normal exposure time do you use for soft tissue?
About how long does it normally take normal blood flow to return to a traumatized tooth?
9 months (so pulp testing is useless in trauma)
About how long does it normally take normal blood flow to return to a traumatized tooth?
9 months (so pulp testing is useless in trauma)
When do most oral injuries occur?
at night and on the weekends
What fraction of oral injuries are considered serious threats to quality of life?
Who gets oral injury more? Girls or Boys?
Boys 3:2, but its catching up to 1:1..YAY EQUALITY!
What is the best predictor of future trauma?
previous drama lol.
What years of life are the most common for dental injury?
2-3 years of age
Permanent vs Primary dentition- what is the most common type of injury in each?
perm: fractures…primary: luxation (short crown,less calcified bone,thin cortical plates)
What is a radiographic sign of subluxation?
PDL thickened
Medical Hx aspects of trauma: Cardiac disease, Bleeding disorders, Seizure disorders, Allergies, Medications, Illnesses,WHAT ARE THE LAST TWO odd balls??
When was their Last Meal? and… Immunizations: tetanus**