L11 Ecological Restoration Flashcards
What is ecological restoration?
Is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed by humans (SER 2002 & Gann et al. 2019)
What are the aims of ecological restoration? (Quote)
“To move a degraded ecosystem to a trajectory of recovery that allows adaptation to local and global changes, as well as persistence and evolution of its component species” Gann et al, 2019
What are the aims of ecological restoration?
What does NbS stand for?
Natural-based solutions
What are natural-based solutions?
Actions that
-Sustainably manage
-Restore natural or modified ecosystems
that also address societal challenges, providing benefits for human wellbeing and biodiversity benefits
What are key points regarding ecological restoration?
- Creating conditions that result in natural recovery
- Returning an ecosystem to it’s historical trajectory, not its past condition necessarily
What are the benefits to ecological restoration?
-Protects biodiversity
-Improves human health and wellbeing
-Increases food and water security
-Ecosystem goods, services and prosperity
-Supports climate change mitigation and resilience
What does SER stand for?
Society of Ecological Principals
What is P1 of SER?
Engagement should occur at the beginning allowing stakeholders to help define the vision, targets, goals, objectives and methods of implementation and monitoring
-Engagement of all stakeholders important
What is P2 of SER?
Combines expertise (scientific discovery) and traditional (spiritual, beliefs, cultural memories, generational values) and local ecological knowledge of the land
What is P3 of SER?
Identifying reference sites (trajectory) for planning and communicating a shared vision of project targets and goals
What is P4 of SER?
Enhances and assists natural recovery
What is P5 of SER?
Projects scope, vision targets, goals and objectives are clearly identified + specific indicators to measure progress over timer
What is P6 of SER?
Achieve the highest practical levels of ecosystem recovery possible appropriate to the circumstances
What is P7 of SER?
Scaling-up restoration actions is required to address ecological, climate and global sustainability needs
What is P8 of SER?
Restorative continuum offers a holistic approach to repairing the world’s ecosystems, and applies the most appropriate and effective treatment when considering the ecological, social and financial condition
What is the definition of ecosystem restoration?
-Focuses solely on the delivery of ecosystem services
What is ecosystem integrity?
Ability of an ecosystem to support and sustain characteristic ecological functioning and biodiversity
What is ecosystem resilience?
Degree, manner and pace of recovery of ecosystem properties after natural or human disturbance
What is rehabilitation?
Management actions that aim to reinstate a level of ecosystem functioning on degraded sites, where the goal is renewed and ongoing provision of ecosystem services
What is reclamation?
Process of making severely degraded land fit for cultivation or a state suitable for human use
What is rewilding?
Planned reintroduction of a plant or animal species (keystone species) into a habitat from which it has disappeared in an effort to increase biodiversity and restore the health of an ecosystem
What is the 5 star system?
-Evaluates and tracks degree of native ecosystem recovery over time compared to the reference site.
-Assesses changes from the baseline condition of the site
What is an example of the 5-star system attribute (Absence of threats) at 1 star? Gann et al. 2019
-Further deterioration discontinued
-Site has tenure and management secured
-Gross physical and chemical problems remediated
-Excess nitrogen, pH imbalances etc
What is an example of the 5-star system attribute (Absence of threats) at 2 stars? Gann et al. 2019
-Threats from adjacent areas beginning to be managed
-Substrate chemical and physical properties on track
What is an example of the 5-star system attribute (Absence of threats) at 3 stars? Gann et al. 2019
-All adjacent threats managed or mitigated to low extent
-Substrate stabilised within natural range and supporting growth of characteristic native biota
What is an example of the 5-star system attribute (Absence of threats) at 4 stars? Gann et al. 2019
-All adjacent threats managed or mitigated to intermediate extent
-Substrate securely maintaining conditions suitable for ongoing growth and recruitment of characteristic native biota.
What is an example of the 5-star system attribute (Absence of threats) at 5 stars? Gann et al. 2019
-All threats managed or mitigated to high extent
-Substrate exhibiting physical and chemical characteristics highly similar to that of reference ecosystem with evidence they can indefinitely sustain species and processes
What is the ecological recovery wheel?
Helps establish, visualize and communicate the level of recovery aspired to
What is the Bonn Challenge?
Global challenge to bring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030.
Who launched the Bonn Challenge?
-By German Government and IUCN
How many hectares of forest is lost each year?
13 million hectares
How many hectares of land is degraded each year?
24 billion tonnes of fertile soil is lost
How many countries have pledged to the Bonn Challenge?
61 countries involved, 74 pledges
What are examples of ecosystem restoration?
-Erosion control
-Soil restoration
What are examples of bad land management?
Industrial agriculture