L11: Cryogenic Mounds Flashcards
What do palsas contain?
A segregated ice core
What can palsas be classified on the basis of?
What size are palsas?
Oval or circular in plan and from 0.2m to 8m high and 2-100m long axis.
What is a pure peat palsa made of?
Peat entirely
What is a mature peat palsa made of?
Peat and thin layer of silt underneath
What is mineral (cored) palsa made of?
Thin layer of peat on top and mainly silt
Why does the freezing front penetrate deeper into certain parts of the palsa than others?
What happens when the freezing front penetrate deeper into certain parts of the palsa than others?
What happens when it gets cold/ wet?
It forms segregated ice and ice lenses and pushes up the surface material.
This is drier to the area around and lighter vegetation on top affects albedo.
This insulates the core dry heat (stays frozen).
When it gets cold/ wet cold penetrates faster as the thermal conductivity and heat capacity is higher when wet.
Cracks start to form, penetration increases and ice begins to melt out.
What does dry and wet peat have as a key different?
The thermal conductivity and heat capacity is higher when wet.
Palsas snow removal hypothesis
Snow is a good insulator.
Snow removal leads to deep frost penetration.
Snow on the flanks of the palsa retard permafrost in the mire.
Palsas vegetation change hypothesis
An increase in albedo reduces summer heat influx preserving the frozen core.
Palsas buoyancy hypothesis
Idea is that if you’ve got frozen peat it will have a lower density than the material around it and it will float up.
Once this has happened, peat dries out and insulates the core beneath.
Case study: Palsas
(Melanie and Payette, 2014)
Northern Quebec around the Boniface River
Circumpolar discontinuous zone
Mean annual air temperature -7oC
Case study: Palsas
(Melanie and Payette, 2014)
Palsa- organic or mineral soil mounds with a permafrost core.
Diameter 20-70m…height 2-9m
Vegetated with lichens and dwarf shrubs, mosses some bare patches.
Uneven topography and variable depth of organic layer, snow depth and tree height.
Case study: Palsas
(Melanie and Payette, 2014)
• Evaluate impact of forest cover on ground thermal regime of wooded palsas by comparing active layer thickness in different soils and vegetation types
• Aerial photos and field validation of 4 palsa types
• Data on vegetation, snow depth, organic layer thickness, location and size statistically analysed
How in terms of process might be appropriate – how do palsas form?
Case study: Palsas
(Melanie and Payette, 2014)
- Why are the interrelationships identified so (results)
- Annual variations in thaw rate and thickness of active layer (why?)
- Organic layer critical – bare soil thawed much quicker and was deeper (why)
- Vegetation shows fastest thawing in forest opening and shrubs and lowest under moss and lichen spruce stands (why?)
Case study: Palsas
(Melanie and Payette, 2014)
What if?
So what?
- From your “why”,s
- Snow cover had a lesser impact than might be expected because of? (time of snow melt, other more dominating factors such as vegetation)
• Give your opinion or predictions eg.
• Future growth or degradation of palsasin this area – degradation more likely because of
changing climate of internal factors such as tree growth?
• What is causing this differential degradation (70% in non-wooded area ….)
Case study: Palsas
(Melanie and Payette, 2014)
What next?
What next?
• Recommendations for further research or analysis
• What else do we need to know?
• Repeat study in other palsa areas such as Finland to compare environmental controls and use
growth /degradation data from there to contextualise this study
• “Interactions between environmental factors such as oranic layer, snow depth, topography,
vegetation types and thermokarst, and the development of the active layer at a local scale
still require further work.”(page 95)
What are pingos?
Important features of permafrost terrain
• Indicative of permafrost
• From the Inuit word for ‘conical hill’
• Contains a massive ice core (ground ice)
• Oval or circular in plan
• From 2 to 55 m high and 30 to 100 m long axis
Pingo Classification
Can be classified on the basis of origin
(genesis) into one of 3 types:
• Hydrostatic (formerly ‘closed system’ or ‘Mackenzie Delta’ • Hydraulic (formerly ‘open system’ or ‘East Greenland’) • Polygenetic (controversial, perhaps)
Hydrostatic Pingos
• Lake drains and the moisture in the unfrozen area
(talik) freezes from base and sides.
• Water is trapped and then freezes, first as
segregated ice, then massive ice develops.
• This pushes up the sediment above to form a hill.
….Water movement is by hydrostatic pressure
Ground ice types
Main one is intrusive ice (injection ice) where water at the top of the sub-pingo water lens occurs = pure ice core
But also: Segregation ice Pore ice Dilation crack ice Ice-wedge ice
Case study: Pingos
(Jones et al., 2012)
96% of these pingos originated in drained
lake basins
Formed by the injections and freezing of
pressurised water forming an ice core with
heave or updoming of the overlying
sediments and the associated 9% volume
increase and continued injection
Rates of growth = 6m vertical growth in
first 20 years, then only 1m in the next 12
Palsas and Pingos represent the main what?
Non-seasonal cryogenic mounds
Palsas occur because of what?
the unique behaviour of peat when it dries and
gets wet, and the associated thermal characteristics.
Pingos form through what?
the freezing of pressurized ground water, where
the pressure can be hydrostatic or hydraulic
Both palsas and pingos undergo what?
a cycle of growth and degradation, irrespective of climate change