L11: Control of BP Flashcards
What is hypertension?
Sustained high blood pressure (mmHg)
What is normal blood pressure considered to be?
Between 90/60mmHg - 120/80mmHg
- Continuum–> no cut of score
- Closer to the upper limit more at risk
What are the difference classifications of high blood pressure?
Stage 1 hypertension–> >140/90mmHg
Stage 2 hypertension –> >160/100mmHg
Severe hypertension–> >180 systolic or >110/120 diastolic
What causes hypertension?
Primary hypertension–> 95%
–> Cause unknown
Secondary hypertension–> 5%
–> Cause defined–> important to identify cause and treat
–> E.g. renovascular disease, chronic renal disease, hyperaldosteronism, Cushings disease
Why is it important to treat hypertension?
Silent killer
Assymptomatic but can have unseen damaging effects (heart and vasculature–> HF, Stroke, Renal failure and retinopathy)
3rd biggest risk factor for premature death
affects >1/4 people
What disease are caused by hypertension?
HF Stroke Coronary Heart Disease MI Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Aortic Aneurysm Peripheral vascular disease Retinopathy Hypertensive encephalopathy Chronic kidney failure Cerebral Haemorrhage
How does it lead to these diseases?
Hypertension–> ↑ afterload–> LVH (–> HF) and ↑Myocardial oxygen demand (–>Myocardial ischemia and MI)
Hypertension–> arterial damage–> arthersclerosis and weakened vessels–> cerebrovascular disease, stroke, aneurysm, nephrosclerosis and renal failure and retinopathy
What areas of the body are usually the target for hypertensive disease?
Brain (ischemia, haemorrhage), Heart (left ventricular hypertrophy), Arteries (atherosclerotic plaques), Eyes Kidneys --> should be checked--> clinical history and physical examination
How effective are the interventions?
For every 10mmHg reduction in blood pressure
- -> 17%↓ CHD
- -> 27%↓ stroke
- -> 28%↓ HF
- -> 13%↓ in all case mortality
What is blood pressure?
Pressure= Flow X Resistance BP= CO X TPR (CO= SV x HR)
How is blood pressure regulated?
Short and long term regulation –> baroreceptor reflex
–> adjust para- and sympathetic output to heart to alter CO and peripheral vessel to alter TPR
What is the baroreceptor reflex?
Reflex that controls acute changes in BP
BP↑–> baroreceptors detect stretch–> medulla–> efferent vessels ↓BP via vasodilation, decreased HR and CO
Opposite for BP↓
Where are the baroreceptors located?
Aortic Arch
Carotid sinus
What is the problem with sustained high blood pressure and the baroreceptor reflex?
Baroreceptor reflex resets
Elevated blood pressure no longer causes stretch and AP firing
How is the blood pressure controlled in the medium and long term?
Neurohumoral Response
Control sodium balance and thus extracellular fluid volume
–> plasma part of ECF volume
–> control Na+ control H2O and ECF volume so plasma volume (BP)