L10: Transportation Flashcards
(n) winter vacation
寒假 (hán jià)
(n) airplane
飞机 (fēi jī)
Classifiers: 架
(v) to fly
飞 (fēi)
(n) machine
机 (jī)
Classifiers: 台
(n) ticket
票 (piào)
Classifiers: 张
(n) airport
(飞) 机场 ([fēi] jīchǎng)
Classifiers: 处
(v) to travel by (a bus, airplane etc.); to sit; to take a seat
坐 (zuò)
(n) bus
公共汽车, 公车, 巴士 (gōnggòng qìchē, gōngchē, bāshì)
(adj) public
公共 (gōnggòng)
(n) automobile
汽车 (qì chē)
Classifiers: 辆
(n) vehicle; car
车 (chē)
Classifiers: 辆
(conj) or
或者 (huò zhě)
(n) subway
地铁 (dì tiě)
(v) to go by way of; to walk
走 (zǒu)
(adv) first
先 (xiān)
(mw for stops of bus, train, etc.)
站 (zhàn)
(vo) to get off (a bus, train, etc.)
下车 (xià chē)
(adv) then
然后 (rán hòu)
(n) line
线 (xiàn)
Classifiers: 条
final; last
最后 (zuì hòu)
(adj) troublesome
麻烦 (má fan)
(vo) to take a taxi
打车 (dǎ chē)
(n) taxi
出租汽车 (chū zū qìchē)
Classifiers: 辆
(v) to rent out; to let
出租 (chū zū)
(v) to rent
租 (zū)
(vo) to drive a car
开车 (kāi chē)
(v) to drive; to operate
开 (kāi)
(v) to see off or out; to take (someone somewhere)
送 (sòng)
(n) email
电子邮件 (diànzǐyóujiàn)
(n) electron
电子 (diànzǐ)
(v) to allow or cause (somebody to do something)
让 (ràng)
(v) to spend
花 (huā)
to feel embarrassed
不好意思 (bùhǎoyìsi)
(pr) every; each
每 (měi)
(n) city
城市 (chéngshì)
(adv) especially
特别 (tèbié)
(n) highway
高速公路 (gāosùgōnglù)
(adj) high speed
高速 (gāosù)
(n) highway; public road
公路 (gōnglù)
(n) road; path
路 (lù)
(adj) nervous, anxious
紧张 (jǐnzhāng)
(pr) oneself
自己 (zìjǐ)
(n) cell phone
手机 (shǒujī)
(vo) to send a text message; (lit.) to send a short message
发短信 (fāduǎnxìn)
(n) new year
新年 (xīnnián)
(vo) happy
快乐 (kuàilè)
(vo) to walk
走路 (zǒulù)
(vo) to travel by train
坐火车 (zuòhuǒchē)
(vo) to take a taxi (in Taiwan)
坐计程车 (zuòjìchéngchē)
(vo) to take a cable car,
trolley bus, or tram
坐电车 (zuòdiànchē)
(vo) to travel by ship; to take a boat
坐船 (zuòchuán)
(vo) to ride a bicycle
骑自行车 (qízìxíngchē)
(vo) to ride a motorcycle
骑摩托车 (qímótuō chē)