L1 Normal blood cells and bone marrow heamopoiesis Flashcards
Both common myeloid progenitors and lymphoid progenitors come from ______ ______ _______ after lineage commitment, with the help of ______ ______ _____ such as CD34+, CD38-, Lin-.
Pluripotent stem cells;
stem cell markers
(Lin- = lineage marker negative;
if + = does not come from stem cells)
What will common myleoid progenitors do? (3)
- Thrombopoiesis
- Erythropoiesis
- Granulopoiesis
Growth factor EPO.
- full name
- function
- source
- Erythropoietin
- growth factor for erythropoiesis > RBC
- mainly from kidneys (90%)
Growth factor TPO.
- full name
- function
- source
- Thrombopoietin
- growth factor for thrombopoiesis > platelet
- mainly from liver
Growth factors for granulopoiesis?
- function?
- GM-CSF (Granulocytic monocytic colony stimulating factor)
- Interleukins: ILs
- to produce leukocytes in granulopoiesis
What are megakaryocytes?
Early platelet forms
What is plasma?
Serum + fibrinogen
(got rid of RBC, WBC)
- contains coagulation factors, antibodies, growth factors and products of metabolism
What is serum?
Serum = Plasma - fibrinogen
List the 4 types of leukocytes and their functions
- Neutrophil - bacterial infection
- Basophil - increased in lymphoproliferative/myeloproliferative diseases
- Monocyte - to macrophages in tissue
- Eosinophil - parasitic infection, allergy
Common lymphoid progenitors develop into?
- Lymphopoiesis - B cells and T cells
2. NK cells
List the 3 types of defects and the disease of RBC.
- Membrane defect: sphreocytosis
- Enzyme pathway defect: G6PD deficiency/ pyruvate kinase deficiency
- Hb structure defect: Haemoglobinopathy (e.g. gamma-beta chain switch should be done after 6 months of birth
No central pallor; smaller and dense in colour (increase Hb concentration) = ?
Bone marrow = ______ + ________
Stromal cells + microvascular networks
What is M:E ratio?
Myeloid: Erythroid ratio
= number of cells from myeloid series (granulocute, monocyte): erythroblasts
Normal M:E ratio is?
Substacnes required from erythropoiesis?
- Iron
- Folate + Vitamin B12
Changes in morphology in RBC maturation (nuclear)?
Euchromatin (light pink, more open pattern)»_space;> heterochromatin (darker pink)»_space;> reticulocyte
Changes in morphology in RBC maturation (cytoplasmic)? Why?
From blue to pink due to Hb formation and loss of cytoplasmic RNA
How to diagnose anemia in CBC?
- Hb <13.2
- MCV < 81 (cell size, microcytic)
- MCH <27 (cell color, hypochromic)