L1 - Measured for a Prince Flashcards
What is Economic Development?
Economic developmentis a measure of a country’s wealth and how it is generated (e.g. agriculture is considered less economically advanced then banking).
What is Human development?
Human developmentmeasures the access the population has to wealth, jobs, education, nutrition, health, leisure and safety - as well as political and cultural freedom.
What are material elements such as wealth and nutrition described as?
The standard of living
What are health and leisure often referred to as?
The quality of life
Name 3 measures of development.
- Human development
- Economical development
- the standard of living
- the quality of life
How does Saudi Arabia acquire its wealth?
From the oil it exports - as one of the Oil Producing and Exporting Countries.
What is Sustainable development?
Progress that considers economic growth, a good quality of life for people without overusing the environment.
Does The U.K. have a higher Human development index than Saudi Arabia?
U.K.= 86
Saudi Arabia = 77
Outline 1 way of measuring development.
Any from:
- GDP/GNI per capita could indicate income levels.
- HDI could be used to indicate quality of life.
- Infant mortality indicates health care / services
- % of children in school indicates access / proxy fro family income.
Would geographical location affect the difference in the development of two places and why?
Yes as the country could be located away from trade - any trade blocs, trade routes or even other countries to trade with. Also location could affect what products are made in that particular country e.g. Different climates needed to grow food.
Could the prevalence of disease affect development?
Yes as people will become unwell and be unable to work.
Could colonial legacy slow development and why?
Yes as by exploiting the country economically the governors/rulers are not allowing for change and development.
How can debt stump a country’s development?
The country will have debt therefore any income they acquire from exports will go towards paying off that debt, which will only increase with interest. Also they won’t be able to develop their country as there will be no money left to do so.
Why can a lack of natural resources stop development?
Having these natural resources will often create jobs as they will need to be mined or collected or protected, by not having these resources, there will not be as many jobs and therefore less development.
Does political instability affect development?
Yes as it can mean a mismanagement of funds resulting in money being wasted on less urgent, or even unnecessary features/resources rather than what the country really needs.
Can an ageing population reduce development?
Yes as it can force the government to spend more on health services and pensions, as well as meaning less taxes paid to the government (those in retirement pay less as they’re not working). This could increase amount of tax on working people resulting in less people wanting to work.
Could also mean a shortage of workers.
Changing sectors - older people will need more goods and services linked with old people.
Can the quality of infrastructure change development?
Yes, a better infrastructure can increase the quality of life, the standard of living but also economical and human development. Better infrastructures will allow people to lead healthier safer lives as well as creating more jobs. For example the core of a country will have a great infrastructure to accommodate for the tourism industry as well as businesses wanting to set up there.
Who, of the U.K. and Saudi Arabia has a 4.8% loss due to inequality in life expectancy?
The U.K.
Saudi Arabia has a 11.5% loss.
Who, of the U.K. and Saudi Arabia has an 83% urban population?
Saudi Arabia
The U.K. has a 80% urban population
How many people per household on average are there in Saudi Arabia? A) 5.4 B) 4.7 C) 6.3 D) 3.4
A) 5.4
The U.K. has 2.3 people per household.