L1 Lumbar Clearing Flashcards
Lumbar Clearing Tree
Negative = proceed with hip exam
Positive = proceed with lumbar scan
Lumbar Scan + = Lumbar Exam
Lumbar Scan – = Hip Exam
Hip pain doesn’t refer _____
but hip dysfunction can contribute to lumbar pain
Shared subjective complaints
pain with sitting
pain with sit to stand
pain with walking
pain with sleeping
Patients with both hip pain and LBP
have more pain and worse function compared with patients with just LBP
MCL tear in the knee creates instability in the ______ plane and might cause ______ at the hip in the ______ plane
Limited hip IR ROM creates ____ in the ____ plane at the hip and might cause _____ at the lumbar spine in the _____ plane
decreased mobility
increased mobility
Clearing the Lumbar Spine means
-brief exam of the LS to rule out involvement that may contribute to lower extremity pain/dysfunction
does not include neuro exam, not a complete lumbar exam, should occur at the beginning of your physical exam
Lumbar Clearing Tests
- Lumbar Flexion, Extension, LF, Extension Quadrant AROM
- Repeated movements
- Overpressure
Overpressure should not be applied in case of
acute/severe pain OR if AROM and or repeated movements produce S/S
You do not need to do repeated movements for
quadrant testing
Lumbar Scan Exam
Neural Tension
L2 myotome
Hip flexion
Femoral, Roots
L3 myotome
knee extension
L5-S1 myotome
knee flexion
L4 myotome
ankle DF
deep fibular
L5 myotome
great toe extension
deep fibular
Ankle Eversion
superficial fibular
S2 myotome
Ankle PF
L2 Dermatome
lateral proximal thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
L3 Dermatome
medial knee
anterior femoral cutaneous nerve
L4 Dermatome
medial malleolus
saphenous nerve
L5-S1 Dermatome
Dorsum of 3rd MTP
superficial peroneal nerve
L5 Dermatome
Webspace between 1st and 2nd MTP
Deep peroneal nerve
S1 Dermatome
Lateral heel
Sural nerve
S2 Dermatome
Medial posterior knee/thigh
posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Normal = toes curl
Present = hallux extends, toes fans out
Rapid stretch into DF, count the PF beats
0 = no reaction
1 = mild, clonus <3 sex
2 = moderate, clonus 3-10 s
3 = severe, clonus >10 s
Straight Leg Raise Test
SN = .92
SP = .28
+LR = 4.2 if acute
Strong correlation between patients with sciatic symptoms and disc herniation and nerve root compression on MRI findings
Slump Test
SN = .84-1.0
SP = .70-1.0
+LR = 3.0-11.9
if symptoms decrease with release of neck flexion, this may implicate adverse neural dynamics as possibly source of symptoms
When you should refer?
Lumbar clearing positive
Lumbar scan exam positive for myotomal and DTR deficits