L1 – Glomerular Diseases 1(patho) (Popcorn)🍿 Flashcards
A patient present with dense deposit disease and a ribbon like deposit on electron microscopy. Which of the following mechanisms are most likely involved?
A. Unregulated activation of C3 convertase enzyme
B. Immunecomplexdeposition
C. In situ antigen antibody complex formation
D. Podocyte effacement
Which of the following is related to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis pathogenesis
A. In situ immune-complex
B. UncontrolledC3activationbyalternativepathway C. TypeIIhypersensitivityreaction
D. Podocyte injury
A 10 year old girl with nephrotic syndrome has been given corticosteroids for 4 weeks with no response, what is her diagnosis in histopathology?
A. Minimal change disease
B. IgA nephropathy
C. Membranousnephropathy
D. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Which of the following is not a primary cause of nephrotic syndrome:
A. Membranous nephropathy B. Microscopic polyangiitis
C. Minimalchange
D. IgA nephropathy
A 50 year old patient was diagnosed with a membranoproliferative gn, on biopsy, what will you observe under the microscope?
A. Mesangial and endothelial proliferation
B. Proliferation of glomerular cells only
C. Lightmicroscopyshowsthickeningofthebasementmembraneresultingin
characteristic spikes
D. Immune complex not involved
A 35-year-old male, a known case of HIV, presented to the clinic with edema and proteinuria (4.5 g/day). Renal biopsy showed sclerosis in some glomeruli. What is the most common cause of this nephrotic syndrome?
A. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
B. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis C. Membranousnephropathy
D. Minimal change disease
Which of the following statements is true regarding childhood minimal change nephrotic syndrome?
A. Red cells cast are usually in urine.
B. In 90% of cases the patient clear within 4 weeks of full course
of corticosteroids
C. Edema is best to treat with oral diuretic
D. Hypertension is an expected finding
A 5 year old boy is noted to have increased puffiness around his eyes for the past week. And he has been less active than normal. On physical examination he has periorbital edema. Vital signs include T 37C, BP 140/90 mm Hg. A urinalysis reveals PH 6.5 , glucose, 4+ protein, no blood, no casts ,and no ketones. Microscopic urinalysis reveals oval fat bodies , but no WBCs or RBCs. He improved following a course of corticosteroids therapy. Which of the following renal lesions is most likely to have been present in this boy?
A. A glomerular crescent formation
B. Podocyte foot process effacement
C. Hyperplasticarteriosclerosis
D. Mesangial immune complex deposition
What is the mechanism of c3 glomerulonephritis (dense deposit disease)?
A. Alternative pathway
B. In situ immune complex
C. Circulatingimmunecomplex D. Deposit in sub endothelial
40-year-old patient present with nephrotic syndrome, Renal biopsy pathology stated a diagnosis of: Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis (MPGN), Under Microscopy the following is noticed:
A. Mesangial & Endothelial proliferation
B. Proliferation of glomerular cells only
C. Lightmicroscopyshowsthickeningofthebasementmembraneresultingin
characteristic spikes
D. Immune complex not involved
Which of the following is the mechanism of C3 Glomerulonephritis
A. Activation of alternative complement pathway B. Activation of classical complement pathway
C. Inflammatoryprocess
D. Hypersensitive reaction
Findings in membranous nephropathy:
A. Dense subepithelial deposits
B. Small sub-endothelial deposits
C. IgGalongtheglomerularbasementmembrane D. Mesangial deposition
7 years old boy present with nephrotic syndrome, the main clinical finding is effacement of podocytes appears by electron microscopy examination. The main clinical diagnosis is:
A. Minimal change disease B. Focal segmental GS
C. Membraneproliferation
D. IgA nephropathy
What biochemical change in blood do you expect to see in a person with nephrotic syndrome?
A. Hypolipidemia
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Hypoalbuminemia D. Proteinuria
Which of the following glomerular diseases is caused by circulating immune complex?
A. Anti-GBM
B. Minimalchangedisease
D. Postinfectious glomerulonephritis
A patient present with dense deposit disease and a ribbon like deposit on electron microscopy. Which of the following mechanisms are most likely involved?
A. Antibodies against C3 convertase enzyme
B. Immunecomplexdeposition
C. In situ antigen antibody complex formation
D. Podocyte effacement
A 5-year-old boy is noted to have increased puffiness around his eyes for the past week and has been less active than normal. On physical examination he has periorbital edema. Vital signs include T: 37oC, BP: 140/90 mmHg. A urinalysis reveals PH 6.5, glucose, 4+ protein, no blood, no casts, and no ketones. Microscopic urinalysis reveals oval fat bodies, but no WBCs or RBCs. He improved following a course of corticosteroids therapy. Which of the following renal lesions is most likely to have been present in this boy?
A. A glomerular crescent formation
B. Podocyte foot process effacement
C. Hyperplasticarteriosclerosis
D. Mesangial immune complex deposition
Male patient presented with edema and proteinuria and normal blood pressure, under the microscope they found immune complex deposition in the subepithelial surface of the GBM. What is the correct diagnosis?
A. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis B. Minimalchangedisease
C. Membranesnephropathy
D. Postinfectious glomerulonephritis