L1- Anatomy of the Kidney & Ureter (Popcorn)🍿 Flashcards
All of the following are true regarding anatomy of the kidney, EXCEPT:
A. Retroperitoneal
B. Long axis is oblique
C. FromL1-L3
D. Right kidney is lower than the left
The most adhered layer to the kidney is:
A. Fibrous capsule B. Facial capsule C. Peri-renalfat D. Para-renal fat
Which of the following is false regarding posterior relation of right kidney:
A. Diaphragm
B. 11th rib
C. Quadratus lumborum
D. Subcostal nerve
Narrowest part in the ureter:
A. Pelvic-ureteric junction
B. Intramural
C. Siteofcrossingcommoniliacartery D. Site of crossing the iliac crest
A male was complaining of pain reaching to his testes, which one of the following is the commonest place for obstruction of the ureter?
A. Where the ureter pierces the bladder
B. Where it crosses the CIA
C. Where the ureter joins the renal pelvis
Explain: because he feel pain in testis due to of lower ureteric stone
Which of the following encloses the kidney and suprarenal gland:
A. Perirenal fat
B. Renal fibrous capsule C. Renalfasciacapsule D. Pararenal fat
A surgeon is admitted to remove the left kidney, which of the following structures would be injured?
A. Ascending colon
B. Liver
C. Tail of pancreas
D. 2nd part duodenum
During a surgery of removal of the uterus, ligation of the uterine artery was necessary; which of the following will be injured?
A. Ureter B. Bladder C. Kidney D. Urethra
Explanation: due its relation with Lt Ureter
The vessels, nerves, and lymphatics enter the kidney through:
A. Carina
B. Lateral border C. Hilum
D. Medulla
X-ray of a patient shows ureteric stone, all these sites are common sites of stone impaction in the ureter except:
A. Where ureter pierces the urinary bladder
B. Where the renal pelvis joins the ureter
C. Where the ureter crosses the pelvic brim
D. Where the ureter crosses the vas deferens
Anterior relation of right kidney?
A. Jejunum
B. Duodenum C. Spleen
D. Stomach
What is the most anterior structure in the hilum?
A. Renal vein B. Renal artery C. Renalpelvis D. Ureter
The hilum of the left kidney lies at the level of:
A. L1
B. L2
C. L5
D. Subcostal plane
What is anterior to the right kidney?
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Subcostalnerve D. Stomach
The common site of impaction for ureteric stone?
A. Where the ureter pierced the bladder
B. On the lumbar transverse processes C. Lateralpelvicwall
D. The crossing site of gonadal vessels
What is the most anterior structure in the hilum of the kidney?
A. Vein
B. Renal pelvis C. Ureter
D. Renal artery
Where does the ureter enter the urinary bladder?
A. Inferolateral B. Neck
C. Superolateral D. Apex
In removing upper pole stones. What is the cause of pneumothorax during the surgery?
A. Severe trauma with avulsion of its blood vessels
B. Suddenchangeintheintra-abdominalpressure
C. Costo-diaphragmatic recess injury
D. Left Renal tumor
Which of the following is true regarding the site of the kidneys?
A. They are retroperitoneal
B. The left kidney is slightly lower
C. TheyarelocatedatL1-L3
D. Their long axis lies vertically undercover of the costal margin