L01 Flashcards
What is a protocol
Procedure or rule that must be followed
What is a line manager
The superior to whom an employee reports too
What do authority protocols do?
Provide a framework for employees to follow and are associated with different levels of responsibilities
How does authority protocols regard to decision making
Tasks are given to employees on their day-to-days l, sometimes tasks need to be escalated to line manager, this is because they have greater authority
What is the reason for authority protocols
Allows managers to delegate tasks to subordinate whiles still checking over the outcome
What are 4 organisational confidentiality protocols?
1- ensuring only people who need to see specific information have access to it
2- using blind copy lines in emails so email addresses aren’t shared
3- requiring employees to sign a non disclose agreement
4- businesses include in job advert that sharing confidential information is gross misconduct
How can data be stored to ensure confidentiality?
Manually storage which includes hard copies being stored in locked filing cabinets.
Electronically can be stored with password protected computers. Also adding network passwords once on the computer
What are implications of breaching confidentiality?
Gross misconduct which can result in employee dismissal
Risk of identity theft & loss of trust in business
Competitors can see business plans
Reasons why confidentiality may need to be breached
If an employee is suspected of embezzling money for example it may be necessary to access their details.
Also times an employee may need to be contacted in an emergency
What are the voluntary constraints a business has to keep the flow running?
Organisational - requirements to follow to ensure consistency for example always adding business logo and signing off emails with signature
Ethical - having guidelines relating to stereotypes and whistleblowing so will not betray confidences
Codes of practise - certain job roles for example a care worker needs to keep and contain accurate records
What are the 4 legislation protocols
1) copyright - having the rights and permissions to use certain materials
2) data protection act - requires personal information to be protected
3) consumer protection - contents of the product stated and correct
4) equal opportunities - equality act to protect individuals from discrimination
What are 5 ways of checking documents
1) from ,ore senior employee to check finance
2) legal specialists e.g lawyer
3) those who the document refers e.g manager report
4) a proofreader
5) External communications company e.g press release
What are the 6 IT security protocols?
1) password protecting documents
2) installing anti virus software
3) installing anti spy software
4) granting staff different access levels
5) having screen saver time outs
6) positioning computer away from public eye
What is inappropriate use of it equipment?
Using workplace computers for social media
Installing unauthorised games
Installing software only licensed for business use at home
What are the 3 employment protocols?
Health and safety at work act
Equality act
Contractual obligations
What is contractual obligations?
A contract of employment which has been signed by employer and employee to agree hours annual leave and pay and benefits
What are the minimum standards of having w professional etiquette?
Appearance and dress code
Use of appropriate language and mannerisms