L01/2 Flashcards
What is tacit acceptance?
-Members are informed on the amendment and the date set for it to come into force.
-Members should only contact the IMO if they wish to object to the amendments.
-Does not require member states to formally accept the amendments.
What is explicit acceptance?
Combination of:
-Certain number of member states must explicitly accept the amendments.
-Certain percentage of the members gross tonnage must explicitly accept the amendments.
What is a statutory instrument?
-Secondary legislation made by the government under the powers of an act of parliament.
-over 3000 are published each year.
What is an MSN?
-Contain mandatory information, in some cases related to an SI
What is an MGN?
-Provides advice and guidance information.
Where can the statutory requirements for the carriage of ‘M’ notices?
-SOLAS chapters II-2 and 5.
-Annex 3.
What is the territorial sea of state?
-A band of sea, bordering a coastal state’s baseline.
-12 nautical miles from the baseline.
What is a contiguous zone?
A zone bounding a coastal states territorial sea, giving them control over:
-Prevent infringement of customs, fiscal, immigration.
-Punish infringement.
What is an archipelagic state?
-A state made from a group of islands including interconnecting waters and other natural features
What is archipelagic waters?
-Waters that are established for mid-ocean archipelagic states.
-Similar to territorial seas.
-Includes traditional fishing grounds and for other legitimate activities.
What are archipelagic sea lanes?
Sea lanes designated in accordance with UNCLOS article 51.
what is a continental shelf?
The underwater land extending from the coastline of a coastal State to the margin.
What are the benefits to a coastal sate of establishment?
-The wright to the minerals and non-living resources within the sea bed.
-Wrights to oil and gas production.
-Control over mining and resource extraction and can impose licences and receive loyalties.
What boundary limits does UNCLOS set for the continental shelf?
-350 nautical miles from the coastline.
-100 nautical miles form the continental areas shallower than 2500 meters below sea level.
what is an exclusive economic zone (EEZ)?
-Zone beyond and adjacent of the States territorial sea.
-State has duties of the zones natural resources such as fishing, oil, windfarms, gas and minerals. also have the capacity to lease out the resources.
What are the duties of a flag state under UNCLOS?
-Effectively exercise jurisdiction and control in admin, technical and social matters over ships flying its flag?
-Maintain a register of its ships wherever they are.
-Make sure ships flying its flag comply with Inter Alia: construction and seaworthiness, safe manning and labour conditions, training and accounting for any international agreements (STCW, ILO).
What is flag state control?
-Enforcement of national and international regulations and codes on board the nations ships.
-Is enforced wherever the vessel may be.
-If a flag state control is unable to enforce it or are unwilling to, this legislation can also be enforced by the port state.