L 4 Suffixes Flashcards
-ectasia & -ectasis
dilation, enlargement
ex. cardiectasia, nephrectasis
surgical excision; removal of all or part of an organ
ex. appendectomy, nephrectomy
substance that produces (something)
ex. antitoxinogen, carcinogen
formation, origin
ex. lipogenesis, pathogenesis
causing, producing, caused
ex. carcinogenic
by, produced by, or in
ex. hepatogenous
a record of the activity of an organ
ex. angiogram, cardiogram
an instrument for recording the activity of an organ
ex. polygraph, cardiograph
the recording of the activity of an organ
ex. choliangiography, cystography
dissolution, reduction, decomposition, disintegration
ex. hemolysis
ex. neuropathy, cardiopathy
dropping, sagging, prolapse (of an organ or part)
ex. gastroptosis, coloptosis
profuse discharge, hemorrhage
ex. leukorrhagia, meningorrhagia
profuse discharge, excessive secretion
ex. rhinorrhea, myxorrhea
bursting (of tissues), rupture
ex. angiorrhexis, enterrhexis
an instrument for examining
ex. colposcope, rhinoscope
ex. endoscopy, cystoscopy
a surgical intrument for cutting
ex. adenomatome, gastrotome
surgical incision
ex. cholecystotomy, abnominohysterotomy