L 03 Pregnancy Flashcards
How long is normal pregnancy ?
Normally 40 weeks (a full baby)
In 37 weeks they will let you labour normally.
But if 35 weeks then It a bit early, then Dr may prescribe corticosteroid’s to grow the lungs for babies
What is ovary and how they work? How they develop?
Ovary produces oocytes
Ovary produces hormones estrogens and progesterone, inhibin and small amount androgen
Remember that the Ovaries lay eggs one side in a month and other side in another month however if one ovary is absent then other ovary release eggs every months.
What are the steps for ovary to produce eggs?
Primary follicles => oocyte+> Secondary follicle+> Mature follicle => burst or ovulated oocytes
What is Oocytes ?
The Eggs
How Oocytes changes throughout the human entire life?
The human germ cell numbers changes in the overy with age.
Its stay in pick around 7 million in early fetal development period then decreases by apopotic cell death. At puberty they remain 400,000 and only about 10% of these will release through reproductive life.
How eggs goes through to uterus?
Through fallopian tube also known as (uterine tube)
What does Uterine tube or fallopian tube work ?
Harbors the embryo
Provides nutrient
Expels the fetus at the end of its development
Produce vaginal and uterine secretion
Anatomically passes male sperm through to the fallopian tube
What is Endometrium? what does it do?
Endometrium is a kind of mucous membrane, relatively protective.
It Becomes thicker gradually when eggs released from the ovary
Endometrium helps to Attach the fertilised eggs which then begins to develop
Note: If it not attached than we are not pregnant then body passes out during menstruation bleed
What is vagina?
It is Stratified squamous epithelium (that they can change shape stretch ect without damaging the cells)
It’s very Low ph
Durig sex vagina Expands length and width
Lubricate by Bartholin’s glands near vaginal opening and in the cervix
What is cervix?
Between vagina and uterus
Why vagina have low pH?
Cant access bacteria or fungi as acidic
Protection from infection
Brest or Mammary gland?
Brest or mammary gland is not reproductive tract but secondary sex characteristics in reproductive age female.
It has alveoli which joins up and creates a group known as lobules each of which has lactiferous duct that drains opening of nipple.
Secretory alveoli only develops in pregnancy and raise level lobules in the presence of prolactin estrogen progesterone and cause further branching with increase in adipose tissue and richer blood flow (ajonno bra size boro lagy)
What hormones control the menstrual cycle?
By 5 hormones
1) GnRH: Gonadotropin releasing hormone (secrets from pituitary in hypothalamus)
2) FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone
3) LH: Luteinizing hormone
4) Estrogen
5) Progesterone
Where GnRH hormone release from?
Hypothalamus=> Anterior pituitary
From where Testosterone hormone produce from for male?
Hypothalamus=>anterior pituitary=>LH & FSH=>Testis=> Testosterone
What is the pathway of produce oestrogen and progesterone?
Hypothalamus=> Anterior Pituitary=>FSH=> Oestrogen
Hypothalamus=> Anterior Pituitary=>LH=> Progesterone
Which hormone is responsible for progesterone formation?
LH: Luteinizing hormone
Which hormone is responsible for Estrogen formation?
FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone
Female sexual cycle?
In the presence of FSH(presence of estrogen), follicle grow and develop then=> in the presence of LH(presence of progesterone) here Follicles become mature,=> Then Early corpus luteum secret out
How you identify the way of Mense or proliferative cycle?
By looking her body temperature increase ovulated
LH level test in urine can be done to understand ovulation
1-14 days follicular phase can varies
14 – 28 days luteal phase, it is always constant
What is the process of implantation?
From ovary unfertilized egg=> 2 cell stage =>4 cell stage=> 8 cell stage=> 16 cell stage=> blastocyst (lot of cell)=> Endometrium(thick layer) then implantation
What is the normal Gestation period?
Premature 30-32 weeks
37 weeks is 50% born
By 42 weeks 100%
Until before 23 weeks (resuscitate=near death) cant survive
30 weeks holy 99 percent baby beachy thaky but premature hoy
What is fertilisation?
Union of egg and sperm which usually takes place in fallopian tubes
What is Zygote?
When it gets fertilised. Conversion of unfertilised to fertilisation in fallopian tube
What is Implantation?
Attachment of fertilised egg to the uterus usually 3-5 days after fertilisation.
If implantation done then we called pregnent
But hasn’t been attached then not be pregnant
When we say zygote converted to embryo?
From week 3 to the end of week eight.
In which week embryo converted to fetus?
From week 9 to onwards its called fetus
What is Placenta? Function of placenta?
An organ which develops in uterus
Provide Nourishment and oxygen for growth of baby
Removes waste
It’s also called “afterbirth”
Most substances are passes from mother through placenta to baby.
Umbilical cord connects the baby and placenta
What is Amniotic fluid?
Watery substance or fluid helps to cushion the baby
They surrounded into the growing fetus
Not too much or less
What is amnocentesis?
Performed between 15 to 20 weeks to determine risk of child defects and it also help to determine gender of the baby. Usually done to elderly mother like near 40yrs
Pregnency hormones?
After conception hCG increase in fist 3 months for development of placenta
Estrogen and progesterone increases from 3 months to onward to helps to support the growth of baby
What might cause problem during pregnency?
If placenta got in near veginal opening, or bigger, it might rupture during labour and leads to haemorrhage.
What is first trimester?
1st 14th weeks of pregnency
Very important time as vital structures are formed of baby
Cause embryo grows everything that time like brain lungs or eyes etc
Umbilical cord and placenta also form in this time
Miscarriage usually happen in fist trimester but 2nd and 3rd never usually happen.
What usually happen in Second trimester of pregnency?
Organs starts to grow
Starts growing continue
4 to 6 months
Fetus is about 2 pounds and 14-15 inches long
What usually happen in Third trimester of pregnancy?
7 to 9 months
Fetus (baby) gains most of its weight and is able to grasp objects and open and close eyes.
Considered most viable or Safest trimester for taking medicine
Who is Neonate?
Called usually after the period immediately after the birth
Caesarean birth? when?
Usually done if considered harm to the mother
Surgical incision is made through mother abdomen and uterus to deliver babyes
It has been performed upon request
What is oxitosin?what is dose?
Labour. Increase oxytocin
During Baby born
What is prolactin?
Milk let down. Increase prolactin
What is the pathway of secretion of oxytocin?
Oxytocin secretes when baby is enough old or big in the fetus.
Uterine stretch => hypothalamus=>posterior pituitary=>Oxytocin=> starts uterus contracting
What is the pathways of secretion of prolactin?
When baby born then Suckles helps PRF=> anterior pituitary=> prolactin=> Mammary flands=> promotes mammary tissue , milk production
What then prolactin stops?
Dopamine stops then excessive secretion of prolactin
What does bromocriptine?
It is a Medicine, called bromocriptine which stops Prolactin for mother whose child died
What does oxytocin do in pregnancy?
Induction of labor(increase contraction during labor)
What does prolactin do?
It reduces the secretion of LH and FSH
Inhibit Gonadotrophin release and prevent ovulation pathway