Kwan APWH Unit 6 Flashcards
Social Darwinism 6.1
A theory similar to Darwin’s natural selection theory where only the strongest of social groups survive while the weak do not.
LO 1: Social Darwinism was part of the list of ideologies used by European imperialist to expand their empire and colonize smaller nations.
Belgian Congo 6.2
A Belgian colony in the Congo Free State that was led by King Leopold II who viciously abused the locals and would maim their children if they did not produce enough rubber.
LO 2: Belgium had a direct control over the Congo Free State and forced the natives to provide labor for them while treating them terribly.
Berlin Conference 6.2
A conference held among European nations to discuss how they wanted to divide Africa into colonies and which nations would claim which colony.
LO 2: European nations colonized almost all of Africa and everything was under their power and control
Settler Colonies 6.2
Colonies outside of Europe where European migrants would voluntarily go to and establish political dominance in the new colony even if there was already natives there.
LO 2: European nations established their settler colonies to help expand their empires as part of imperialism
Suez Canal 6.2
A man made waterway in Egypt that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea built by Europeans to make traveling around Africa faster.
LO 2: Europe controlled Africa which allowed them to do what they desired there such as constructing things to make traveling easier
Boxer Rebellion 6.3
A rebellion that started in China around 1900 with the intention being to drive out all foreigners in China.
LO 3: With imperialism meant that there would also be resistances and rebellions against it. An example being the Boxer Rebellion where China tried to drive out foreigners as its way to resist imperialism.
Creation of Zulu Kingdom 6.3
The kingdom was started by Shaka and eventually grew to become a strong army defeating other armies.
LO 3: The Zulu fought back and rebelled against the British by developing a large army
Indian Rebellion of 1857 6.3
The Indian Rebellion was sparked when the British had secretly greased gunpowder cartridges with beef and pork fat while it was against the Muslims and Hindus religious practices.
LO 3: India had decided that they had enough of the British and started a rebellion against them hoping to regain their own independence
Tupac Amaru II’s Rebellion in Peru 6.3
A rebellion against the Spanish started by Tupac Amaru II in Peru wanting to fight back against the Spanish for the way they treated the people in Peru.
LO 3: Tupac started an uprising to fight against the Spanish imperialism to gain their freedom and rid the Spanish’s horrible control and treatment to the people in Peru
Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement 6.3
The people of Xhosa saw that their cattle were getting diseases and dying making them believe that it was the British who had brought these diseases to them. They also became convinced that by killing their cattle, the spirits of their deceased ancestors would return to help them drive the British out.
LO 3: The Xhosa people wanted to avoid the British imperialism and believed by killing their cattle and bringing back their deceased ancestors, it could give them their freedom.
Export Economy 6.4
Economies in the European colonies that would ship the products from the colonies to the home country.
LO 4: Factories would use the raw materials from the colonies to produce goods
Economic Imperialism 6.5
A larger nation taking over smaller countries and controlling their land as well as the economies there and having political influence.
LO 5: Larger nations expanded by imperialism, taking over smaller nations and having a lot of influence there.
Opium Wars 6.5
A conflict that became a war in China between them and the British because the British had a high demand for Chinese goods while China felt they did not need the British anymore.
LO 5: The British had a lot of influence on China and wanted to maintain their control over them and they brought in opium as way to try not to lose their business
Chinese and Indian Indentured Servitude 6.6
The British needed labor after the ban of the slave trade so they used Chinese and Indian servants to replace slavery.
LO 6: Many migrants from different regions such as Chinese and Indian migrants went to work for the British economies in labor positions to make some money
Migrant Workers 6.6
People who migrated out of their countries for reasons such as better job opportunities that they could take to make money.
LO 7: Migrant workers were free to go to wherever they wanted which helped contribute to the growth of labor migration
Chinese Exclusion Act 6.7
A policy that Americans created to ban any Chinese immigrants from immigrating into the U.S. This policy specifically racially targeted Chinese migrants and discriminated them.
LO 8: Receiving societies did not appreciate foreign immigrants and created policies and acts as way to try to prevent them from coming in
Ethnic Enclave 6.7
A community or social group made of people with common cultural traits and beliefs formed in a foreign country.
LO 8: Migrants formed ethnic enclaves to give themselves a sense and feeling of their own home along with bringing their cultures into a new country
White Australia Policy 6.7
A discriminatory policy made by white Australians that prevented non-European immigrants from coming in.
LO 8: Australians like the Americans did not appreciate Chinese migrants and made policies that would prevent them from migrating into their countries