Kramer-Kile et al. : the Illness Experience (ch.3) Flashcards
- Illness experience - Talcott Parsons: the Sick Role FOUR ILLNESS BEHAVIOURS: 1. Charmaz: Loss of Self 2. Anderson: devalued self 3. Townsend et al: Moral work 4. Isaksson et al: Chronic sorrow
SATA: Chronic illness affects…
a. family perspectives
b. self-image
c. relationships
d. behaviours
B, C and D
Illness is defined by the pt and their family’s lived experience, and includes “the meaning that the pt gives to the experience”, which remains constant through the illness.
[first part is correct]… which VARIES over time!
Kramer-Kile: Illness behaviour is influenced by…
a. societal expectations
b. health status
c. disease symptoms
d. personal expectations
A, B and D
Illness experiences and corresponding behaviours are represented through the biomedical lens (disease/patho) of illness by Kramer-Kile et al.
Through sociological view of illness!
“I developed the ‘Sick Role’ concept by building on Henry Sigerist’s essay on ‘special position of the sick’”
Who am I?
Talcott Parsons (1951)
According to Parsons, sickness is…
a. dysfunctional and a deviance from society
b. uniquely defined by the patient and their family’s lived experiences
c. a response to social pressure that permits one to avoid social responsibilities
A and C
(Parson’s was a structural-functionalist, viewing health as a functional prerequisite of society)
The 4 major components of the Sick Role include…
- person is EXEMPT from normal social roles
- person is NOT responsible for own condition
- person has OBLIGATION to want to get well
- person has OBLIGATION to seek and cooperate with technically competent help
Parson’s concept of the Sick Role is still relevant today.
His concept was based on the nature of society in earlier times and the nature of illness without considering illness contexts like self-care, self-management and collaboration with HCPs to obtain optimal health
“Using Parson’s work as a basis, I proposed that illness behaviours as symptoms being perceived, evaluated, and acted (or not acted) on differently by different persons”
Who am I?
Mechanic (1962)
“We identified 3 types of health-related behaviour: Health, Illness, and Sick Role”
Who are we?
Kasl and Cobb (1966)
According to Kasl and Cobb, the Health Behaviour is anything an ________ person does to prevent or detect a disease.
The Illness Behaviour is any activity done by a person who feels ill in order to _____ their state of health and discover a suitable _____. (Kasl and Cobb)
define; remedy
The Sick Role behaviour is any activity an ill person does to ____ _____. (Kasl and Cobb)
get well
“We suggested that instead of defining illness behaviours in illness/health/sick role categories, it is more helpful to look at it on a continuum”
Who are we?
McHugh and Vallis (1986)
The two theories that have dominated ILLNESS PERCEPTION research are…
- the explanatory model (Kleinmann, 1985)
- illness representations (Leventhal et al., 2001)