KQ1- Key dates and events Flashcards
When was the Tehran conference?
What did it outline?
Conference in Iran where Russia, USA, England and France all agreed to split Germany after the war.
When was the end of WW2?
May 1945
When was the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD) established in Berlin
June 1945
When was the SED formed?
April 1946
When did the Berlin blockade and airlift start?
What was it?
June 1948
The Soviet Union blocked the Allies all access to the Western sector of Berlin.
When was COMECON founded?
What was its purpose?
Founded in January 1949.
It was the Council for Mutual Economic Aid and Co-operation. A trade agreement set up between Communist countries (mainly for Russia’s Economic gain) as a pact of solidarity not to receive Marshall Aid.
When was NATO founded?
What was its purpose?
April 1949
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was a pact between Western countries to protect the freedom of it’s members (from Communism) set up in response to COMECON. They promised to defend each other if necessary.
When were the FRG and the GDR created?
1949 (FRG= may, GDR= october)
When did the Berlin Blockade end?
June 1949
When was the Ministry of State Security (STASI) set up?
February 1950
When did Stalin die?
March 1953
When were there rebellions in the GDR?
June 1953
When was the Warsaw Pact?
What did it outline?
May 1955
Collective defence treaty between communist countries in the Eastern Block in response to NATO.
When was the GDR’s army (NVA) created?
When was the Berlin Wall erected?
August 1961
What was the Truman Doctrine?
When was it?
It was a speech in which President Truman said he would support anti- communist forces. Russia took this badly.
March 1947
What was the Marshall Plan?
When was it?
At the end of WW2, America stopped producing weapons and started producing consumer goods. However, there was no one to buy the goods in Europe because everyone in Europe was so poor. To solve this, the USA lent European countries money and also gave them a variety of goods (e.g. medicine, food, e.c.t) to kick start their economies, therefore keeping Americans in jobs. They did this to prevent European countries from turning to communism.
June 1947
What was the Yalta conference?
A conference in 1945 in which the 4 Military Zones were sorted out. These were controlled by the Allied Control Council.
When was the Potsdam conference?
What did it agree?
A conference in June 1945 which established what should be done with Germany. They decided on 4 things;
- De- nazification
- De- militarisation
- De-industrealisation
- Democratisation
still some tension as they disagreed on reparations, Gs. future e.c.t