Kpi Flashcards
Making the necessary changes before they are forced upon
Is to wait for change to occur and then respond to it
Communication Skills
Managers must be able to communicate with stakeholders regarding the need for change and the progress of the change.
Delegating Skills
Passing authority for specific task or appointing a change agent will allow managers to focus on other tasks
Leading Skills
The ability to influence others to achieve objectives
Decision making Skills
During a change process the ability to select the best course of action from a range of options will allow the process to be completed effectively
Interpersonal Skills
Managers need to relate and empathise with employees and other stakeholders impacted by the change
Key performance indicators
Is a type of measurement that helps you understand how your business is performing in a certain area
Percentage of market share
Represents the percentage of a market’s total sales that is earned by a particular company
Net profit figures
Is what the company has earned after all expenses are deducted
Rate of productivity
Measures the efficiency of a company’s production process
Number of sales
Refers to the measure of the total customers that bought a good or service in a given reporting period
Rates of staff absenteeism
Number of days employees are absent from work as a percentage of their total possible working time
Level of staff turnover
Amount of employees leaving the business in a period of time as a percentage of the total number of employees in the business
Level of wastage
Amount of stock either as a raw material or during processing which is discarded