korea Flashcards
what is the significance of the korean war
1st major conflict of the cold war
who was occuping korea untill 1945
which side of korea defeted the japanese (assisted by USSR) and what were they not allowed to do
take responciblity
what happend to korea post ww2
divided into two with provisional govenments
north ussr
south usa
along what line was korea divided
38th paralell
where was the division of korea agreed
moscow 1945
what was the name of south korean gov
republic of korea
when was the south korean gov est
may 1948
who lead the south korean gov
what was the south korean gov accused of
rigging elections
being undemoctatic
how did the us offer to aid south korea
with ecnomic and military aid but no troops
when did the us leave south korea
mid 1949
what was the name of the north korean gov
democratic peoples republic of korea
when was the north korean gov set up
sept 1948
who was the leader of the north korean gov
Kim Il Sung
what was the north korean gov like
a communist dictatorship
who was north korea supported by
communist blau
what did both korean leaders want
a united korea under their leadership
when and who confirmed the division of korea
the UN in 1947
what did the us perswade the UN to create to help watch over korea
a commision to supervise elections and unite the contry
what was the UN’s commission for korea called
what does UNTCOK stand for
united nations temporary commission on korea
how did the ussr react to UNTCOK
they saw it as dominated by the us and western allies
UNTCOK was denyed entery in the north
who were the key players on the south side
Dean Acheson
Sigman Rhee