Konjunktionen Flashcards
Coordinating conjunctions
Du machst das noch mal und ich gehe ohne dich.
You do that again and I’m going without you.
Coordinating conjunctions
Du hörst auf damit oder ich gehe.
You stop it or I’ll leave.
Coordinating conjunctions
Ich wollte es abholen, aber der Laden hatte schon zu.
I wanted to pick it up, but the store was already closed.
Coordinating conjunctions
Jahre vergehen, doch die Liebe bleibt.
but, and yet
Years go by, but love remains.
[a bit softer than “weil” (next table) and often used when the hearer is already aware of the following explanation.]
Bleibe bei uns, denn es will Abend werden.
because, for
Stay with us, for evening is nigh.
Subordinating conjunctions
Ich will, dass du deine Hausaufgaben machst.
Er sagte, dass er kommen würde.
I want you to do your homework.
He said (that) he’s coming.
Subordinating conjunctions
Wenn du möchtest, kannst du bei mir bleiben.
Jeden Tag, wenn ich von der Schule nach Hause kam, wartete mein Hund schon vor der Tür.
if, when
If you’d like, you can stay with me.
Every day, when I came home from school, my dog was already waiting at the door.
When is a more differentiated concept in German than in English. “Wenn” is used for the present, future, and repeated events in the past (“Remember when we used to stay out all night long?”). For a single event in the past (“When I got there, the house was empty”) you should use “als”.
Subordinating conjunctions
immer wenn
Immer wenn es regnet, muss ich an dich denken.
Whenever it rains, I think of you.
Subordinating conjunctions
Ich komme zu spät, weil ich eine Reifenpanne hatte.
I’m arriving late because I had a flat tire.
Subordinating conjunctions
Wir reden darüber, sobald ich zurück bin.
as soon as
We’ll talk about it as soon as I’m back.
Subordinating conjunctions
Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns noch mal, bevor ich das Land verlasse.
I hope we see each other again before I leave the country.
Subordinating conjunctions
Sie kamen an, nachdem alles schon vorbei war.
Nachdem alles vorbei war, konnten wir darüber reden.
They arrived after everything was already over.
After it was all over, we were able to talk about it.
Subordinating conjunctions
Ich bin gestolpert, als ich aus dem Bus stieg.
as, when, while
I stumbled as I was getting off the bus.
[Again, als is for a single past event; use wenn for a repeated event.]
Subordinating conjunctions
Sie fuhren gerne Rad, da ihnen die Bewegung gut tat.
becasue, since
They enjoyed cycling because being active did them good.
Subordinating conjunctions
Ich weiss nicht, ob er alt genug ist.
I don’t know whether he’s old enough.
Often translates to “if” in casual English, e.g. we’ll say “I don’t know if he’s old enough” rather than “I don’t know whether”