The ability to make a good return on capital invested in the business
Doing better than others, financially
The amount of money a company earns in the investment of its shareholders
Return on equity
The number of people needed to start and sustain a change
Critical mass
Top level of management
Leadership ranks
Meet or find unexpectedly or by accident
To come across
Required, obligatory, necessary according to the law
An official imposed number or quantity
Done by choice, without legal obligation
Obeying laws or regulations
The ending or termination of an organization
Trainees, people still learning their jobs
An apprentice
Sm who changes their beliefs
A convert
Being officially responsible for sth
To be accountable for
Settle a law
To enforce a law
A company listed on a stock market
A public company
An apprentice
Private assistant
Referring to the power; zgodnie z rozporządzeniem
By fiat
To somehow get into; to have an opportunity to do sth
To trickle down
When you remember sth but without the details
Jedność, rownosc, braterstwo
Fraternity, equity, liberty
Using other business as subcontractors to supply components or services
Outsourcing or contracting-out
Employing two or more people on a part-time basis to perform a job normally available to one person working full time
Job sharing
Moving some of a business’s activities (e.g. Accounting, production) to another place or country
Relocation or delocalization
Removing unproductive parts of management hierarchy to make organizations more flexible and efficient
Decreasing the number of permanent employees working for an organization
A situation in which it is easy for companies to hire non-permanent staff
Flexible labour market
Reorganizing a company, business or system in a new way to reduce costs and improve efficiency and effectiveness
Rationalization of restructuring
temporary employment by an organization to do a specific project or piece of work
Contract work
Temporary employment that is not regular or fixed
Casual work
Another way of saying downsizing, though it could also describe increasing the size of an organization, perhaps as an attempt to correct a previous downsizing
When sb or sth is no longer needed
Make redundant
To hire sb
To take sb on
To fire in masses
Lay off
To give sb a position
To share (money)
To allot
Very unusual or easily noticed
To break sth
To crack
To find a reason to criticize sb
To be faulted
To have the opposite result from the one you intended
To backfire
A piece of work which is often boring