Kolokwium 30.10 Flashcards
What are the two types of education systems mentioned?
Public (gratuit) and private (payant) education
What age range does école maternelle cater to?
3 to 5 years old
What activities do children engage in at école maternelle?
Educational activities such as games, drawing, etc.
What is the focus of grande section in école maternelle?
Preparation for learning to read and write
How many years are there in l’école primaire?
5 years
What are the levels of l’école primaire?
CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2
What is the role of the professors des écoles?
To follow the program imposed by the Ministry of National Education
What age range does the collège cover?
11 to 14 years old
How many years are there in collège?
4 years
What examination do students take at the end of collège?
Brevet des collèges
What age range does the lycée cover?
15 to 17/18 years old
How many years are there in lycée?
3 years
What examination do students take at the end of lycée?
Baccalauréat (le bac)
What types of subjects are included in the baccalauréat examination?
- Anglais
- Mathématiques
- Philosophie
- Chimie
- Éducation physique
- Histoire
- Géographie
- Langues vivantes
- Musique
- Sciences de la vie et de la terre (SVT)
What is a common form of assessment in collège and lycée?
Regular written interrogations