Knowledge Of Physician Flashcards
Physician word
Derived from Greek ‘phusis’ means nature. Have through knowledge of art of healing, knows laws principles of nature, know how to apply them
Hahneman used the before physician
He is not only diagnostician of disease but prognostician, health adviser, healer, counselor
Prime mission is to cure the sick
Hahnemann state health as
State of well being, indicates state where all structures functions of body are in harmony & patient doesn’t feels any sort of discomfort, vital force maintenance integrity of body
Disease means
Disturbance in harmonious state of body mind. It is nothing but deviation of health, understood by its symptoms Hahnemann says disease caused by dynamic derangement of vital force
Temporary relief of symptoms without doing anything for cure
Most annoying symptoms relieved but disease persists in its own place
Palliation by homeopathy
1) incurable diseases with gross tissue damage
2) congenital or surgical removal of organs
Palliation by antipathic means
1) most urgent cases where danger to life, no time for homeo medicine to act
2) Accidents results in life threat asphyxia suspended animation from suffocation freezing drowning
3) in acute poisoning cases
Derived from latin - supprimere means to press down forcibly
Process of forcibly removing present disease by means of other than fixed principles
Natural suppression
Suppression caused by natural external factors that suppress normal function of vital force and body
Ex: menstruation checked by cold bath
Lochia stopped after catching cold
Artificial suppression
Suppression by artificial means
1) by external application
2) by harmful internal treatments
3) by suppressing natural secretions
4) by surgical removal of disturbing organs
Total annihilation of disease permanent restoration of health by fixed principles
Restoration of altered state of health of an individual by fixed principles
Cure follows which principle
Cure follow law of similia, cure is restoring dynamic balance of body mind soul. Follow hering law of cure
Removal of partial or whole symptoms of disease without any fixed principles
No law involved
In process of recovery, recurrence of disease, loss of vital organs may occur
Knowledge of physician@3
1) knowledge of disease
2) “ “ Medicine
3) “ Of application of drug to disease
4) “ “ Choice of remedy
5) “ “ Pharmacy
6) “ “ Proper Dose
7) “ “ Repetition of dose
8) “ “ Obstacles to cure
Knowledge of prevention of disease@4
Preserver of health
1) knowledge of things that deranges health, cause disease
2) how to remove them from person
Mission of physician is not just curing sick but preventing the people from sick