Knowledge Areas Flashcards
Top 10 Strengths
- Relator; 2. Learner; 3. Achiever; 4. Responsibility; 5. Intellection; 6. Input; 7. Discipline; 8. Maximizer; 9. Analytical; 10. Arranger
Strength: Relator
Building relationships with others - find deep satisfaction in working hard with people to achieve a goal
Strength: Learner
Desire to learn and continuously improve - enjoy the learning process
Strength: Achiever
Pride and satisfaction from being productive and accomplishing things - have a great deal of stamina and work hard
Strength: Responsibility
Take ownership and do what I say I will do - values honesty and loyalty
Strength: Intellection
Intellectual activity - introspective and appreciate a good intellectual discussion
Strength: Input
Have a craving to know more - like to collect an archive all kinds of information
Strength: Discipline
See myself as more of a realist - very adept at setting up processes that make it easier to perform certain repetitious assignments or tasks - discipline to get things done
Strength: Maximizer
Stimulate individual growth and group excellence - seek to transform something good into something great
Strength: Analytical
Search for underlying reasons and root causes - thinking about all the factors that might affect a situation
Strength: Arranger
Like to organize and figure out how all the pieces and resources can be arranged for maximum productivity
Low Strength: Adaptability
Not really a “go with the flow” type of person. I’m much more of a planner
Low Strength: Competition
I’m not very competitive but rather really collaborative
Low Strength: Command
Not one to outwardly stand up front and take control (command & control leadership style) - I have more of a servant-leadership style.